S'IXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253, 254. 1920. 1045 For ex es, mininglexperiment stations, Bureau of Mines, $15.15. For eni)¢:?1ii:lament of the ct to regulate explosives, B1u·eau of Mines, 1919, $142.84. For Indian schools, support, $30.25. For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, 1919, $129.10. For support of Chippewas of Lake Superior, Wisconsin, 1919, $31.04. omms ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR ron THE STATE AND ornmt DEPARTMENTS. For salaries, Consular Service, 1919, $103.67. Claims ¤lg¤W¤d by For contingent expenses, United States consulates, 1919, $1.92. ii2iiiriiiiiZiiizEi°t°’°t°" For Interstate Commerce Commission, $145.30. For library, Department of Aggiculture, $1.75. For general ex nses, Forest rvice, $130.64. For color standisrdization, Bureau of Standards, $23.56. For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $8.35. For ees of commissioners, United States courts, 1919, $183.80. For fees of witnesses, United States courts, $27.98. For support of prisoners, United States courts, 1918, $10. For support of prisoners, United States courts, $698. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY rim Avnrron 1-*011 THE ros·r onion DEPART- Mmrr. For railroad trans ortation, $356,34212. Claim allowed l>_ For indemnities, dlbmestic mails, $212.25. dclidiigisiiingiiilt O? For com ensation to postmasters, $844.99. For freight on stamped paper and mail bags, $17 5.64. For rural delivery service, $210. For special delivery fees, $3.28. For temporary an auxiliary clerks in post offices, $130.20. For clerks, third-class post offices, $75. For rent, light, and fuel, $59. Total audited claims, section 4, $854,735.49 _ Sec. 5. That this Act hereafter may be referred to as the "Third T‘"°°‘A°t‘ Deiicicncy Act, fiscal year 1920." Approved, June 5, 1920. CHAP. 254.--An Act To reclassify postmasters and employees of the Postal Service [`iinli1qzij'1i9:xigZ) and readjust their salaries and compensation on an equitable basis, lP¤l>ll°· N0- 2654 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives tif the United , Stairs of America in Congress assemble , Tlizt on and a ter July 1, iiglciiisiiiiiigt or 1920, postmasters and employees of the Postal Service shall be re- *$§'l§,i,g§0l;‘§,‘g;“‘“S‘°'“ classified and their salaries and compensation readjusted, except as ` otherwise provided, as follows: Postmmm That postmastcrs shall be divided into four classes, as follows: glmmqellei- The first class shall embrace all those whose annual salaries are "St °1‘“sS' $3,200 or more; Second cms The second class shall embrace all those whose annual salaries are ` less than $3,200, and not less than $2,300; .,,1,,,, ,,,5, The third class shall embrace all those whose annual salaries are less than 82,300, but not less than .551,000. Rmb c,,,§_ The fourth class shall embrace all postmasters whose annual compensation, exclusive of their commissions on the money-order business of their offices, amounts to less than $1,000. 8,,,,,,,,, my,-,,s,,,d_ The respective com ensation of postmasters of the first, second, owl. 22, p- wl; VM- and third classes shall Ibe annual salaries, graded in even hundreds of 3" p‘m‘
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