1046 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 254. 1920. dollars, and payable in semimonthly payments to be ascertained and fixed by the Postmaster General from their respective quarterly returns to the Auditor for the Post Office Department, or copies or dplplicates thereof to the First Assistant Postmaster General, or the c endar year immediately preceding the adgustment, based on gross · postal receipts at the following rates, namely: 'I'h¤d°l¤S¤· hTh1rd’;:lass£ $1,500, lgut leiss tpan %,600, $1,000; $1,600, but lpss t an$1 00 1,100;$1 00 ut esst an $1,900 $1200;$1,900 ut less than $23100, $1,300,; $2,100, but less than $22400, $1,400; $2:400, but less than $2,700, $1,500; $2,700, but less than $3,000, $1,600; $3,000, but less than $3,500, $1,700; $3,500, but less than $4,200, $1,800; $4,200, but less than $5,000, $1,900; $5,000, but less than $16,000, $2,000; $6,000, but less than $7,000, $2,100; $7,000, but less t an $8 000 $2,200. S¤¤¤¤d ¤i¤¤¤· Secoxid class: $8,000, but less than $10,000, $2,300; $10,000, but gss thanb $1?,000i1 $2,400; 12,000, bgt less tll;an1$15,1000, $2,500; 15,000 ut esst an$18,000 $2,600; 18,000 ut esst an$22,000 $2,700; ,$22,000, but less than,$27,000, $2,800 ;, $27,000, but less thaxi $33,000, $2,900; $33,000, but less than $40,000, $3,000. Fm °**=‘S¤· First class: $40,000, but less than $50,000, $3,200; $50,000, but less than $60,000, $3,300; $60,000, but less than $75,000, $3,400; $75,000, but less than 290,000, $3,500; $90,000, but less than $120,- 000 $3 600; $120,000 ut ess than $150 000 $3,700; $150,000 but isles $.;·2»2·¤~ atSootttrstzootixtQetgstaszct , 11 css an , , ; , u ess an $400,000; $4,200; $400,000, but less than $500,000, $4,500; $500,000, gg1t0(l<€)ss;'pg13O$600,00(g), $5,002; $600,000, but less than $7,000,000, , ; ,000 an upwar , $8,000. ggglrth based The couipensation of postmasters of the fourth class shall be fixed tm spegiaeti receipts, upon the basis of the whole of the box rents collected at their offices °°°· and commissions upon the amount of canceled postage—due stamps and on postage stamps, stamped enyelopes, and postal cards canceled, on matter actually_ma1led at their offices, and on the amount of newspaper and (periodical postage collected in money, and on the W 33 MO postage collecte in money on identical pieces of third and fourth · ·¥’· · class matter mailed under the provisions of the Act of April 28, IQO4, r without postage stamps affixed and on postage collected in money ·*”’·» P- **3- on matter of the first class mailed under the nprovisions of the Act of April 24, 1920, without postage stamps a xed,_and on amounts received from waste paper, dead newspapers, printed matter, and Y t $__ twine sold at the following rates, namely: qt;,,,'?tJ_X°° ” °“°° Wvhen the amount does not exceed $75 for any one quarter the www Q_; and postmaster shall be allowed 145 per centum on the amount. site W When the amount exceeds $75 for any one quarter and does not exceedt$100, the postmaster shall be allowed 120 per centum on the _ amoun . E’°°°d'°g mu \Vhen the amount exceeds S100 for any one quarter, the postmaster shall be allopled—on the first S100, 115 per centum: on the next $100 otr lis to pe; cenéumiiang on gh; balance 60 perfcentum, the same o e ascer aine an , th A d`t th P st _ ettttt Dtpttttttttt ttt the ttt3t§Z§§t tt"tttt°tttEt$,€t’O?2utt$ ptiét. 'f\_g’Q;;gé,, ,9 mw masters upon their sworn quarterly returns: Provided, That when the giegjofsmyglegztgtt tptal poigpensation o1;_any pospmasfruat a post ogfiéceoréf the iourth · ‘ ‘e ass or our consecu ive quar ers s a a t 1, 0, , ` of commissions on money orders issued, aiidoflie rgceipts of siizcchugilsf office for the same period shall aggregate as much as $1.500, the C P office shall be assigned to its proper class and the salary of the postte, 51§§‘t’{t$,‘,§?_,?,,}§.§{-Q master fixed according to the receipts: Provided furthe}, That in no case shall theigz be allowed any postmaster of this class a compensation vreater t an $250 in any one of the first thr u t of th fiscalbyear, exclusive of money order commissionse? iririhe lasii
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