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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1068

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 254. 1920. 1047 quarter of each Hscal yéar there shall bg allowed such further sum as he may be entitled to under tha p1·0v1s1ous of this Act, not exceeding for the whole iiscagugear the sum of $1,000, exclusive of money order commissions: A provided further, That whenever unusual .,l$§i§°§§§§'},t§°@Z'§§§§ conditions prevail, the Postmaster General, 111 his discretion, may Egg? ¤¤¤¤¤¤* °°¤diadvance any post office from the fo1u·th class to the appropriate class ° indicated by the receipts of the preceding quarter, 110twithsta.nding ·*’**¢· P- 57* the proviso which requires the compcnsatxon of fourth-class postmasters to reach $1,000 for four consecutive quarters, exclusive of commissions on money-0rdcr_busincss, and that the receipts of such ost office for the same penod shall aggregate as much as $1,500 Red cu h gefom such advancement is made: And pramkledfurther, That when wpm`5w}°£.ZZ °’"° the Postmaster General has exercised the authority herein granted, he shall, whenever the rcccgts are 110 Ionic; sufficient to justifg retaininisuch gost office in e class to whic _1t has beqn qdvance , reduce the gra a of such office to the appropriate class mdxcatcd by its receipts or the last preccdinélquarter. Assistant pmmasr The Postmaster General is au orizcd to fix the salaries of assistant ters at soma class 0:. postmastars at officos of the second class, based on gross postal H°$%]_25,p_w_ receipts for the calendar you immediately preceding tho adjustment at tha following rates, namely: Salaries bam on Eight thousand dollars, but less than $10,000 $1,800; $10,000, but omcereceipts. less than $12,000 $1,850; $12,000, but less tim.11 $15,000, $1,900; $15,000, but less timn $18,000, $1,950; $18,000, but less than $22,000, $2,000; $22,000, but less than $27 ,000, $2,050; $27 ,000, but less than $33,000, $2,100; $33,000, but less than $40,000, $2,150. Dwi mt Bd m_ That at offices of the first class, the annual salaries of thesmplo ees, ployecs it ms: class other than those in the automatic grades, shall be in even huncicds °m°°“‘ of dollars based uy;-im the gross postal receipts for the preceding calendar year, as fo ows: Salma had on Receipts $40,000, but less than $50,000—Assistant postmaster, omccrecaipts. $2,200; superintendent of mails, $2,100. Receipts $50,000, but less than $60,000—Assistant postmaster, $2,200; superintendent of mails, $2,100. Receipts $60,000, but less than $75,000—Assista.nt postmaster, $2,200; superintendent of mails, $2,100. Receipts $75,000, but less than $90,000——Assista.nt postmaster, $2,300; superintendent of mails, $2,200. Receipts $90,000, but loss than $120,000-—Assistzmt postmaster, $2,400; superintendent of mails, $2.300;fo1‘6mcn, $2,000. Receipts $120,000, but less than $150,000- Assistant postmaster, $2,500; superintendent of mails, $2,400; f4»r0men, $2,000. Receipts $150,000, but less than $200,000- Assistant postmaster, $2,600; superintendent of mails, $2,500; foreman, $2,0GO. Receipts $200,000, but less than $250,000- Assistant postmaster, $2,700; superintendent of mails, $2,600; foreman, $2,000. Receipts $250,000, but less than $300,000- Assistant postmaster, $2,800; supexintendeut of mails, $2,700; assistant superintendents of mails, $2,200 ; foreman, $2,000. Receipts $300,000, but less than $400,000—·ASSiSt&Dt postmaster, $2,900; superintendent of mails, $2,800; assistant supcrmtendents of mails, $2,200; foI'€I1l€11, $2,000. Receipts $400,000, but less than $500,000- Assistant postmaster, $3,000; superintendents of mails, $2,000; assistant superintendent of mails, $2,200;forcmc11, $2,000. Receipts $500,000, but less than $600,000—Assistamt postmaster, $3,200; superintendent of mails, $3,000; assistant superintendents of mzgls, $2,300; foreman, $2,000; postal cashier, $2,600; m0ney—0rder cashier, $2.300. Receipts $600,000, but less than $1,000,000—Ass@stant postmaster $3,400; superintendent of mails, $3 200; assistant superintencients of mails, $2,500; foreman, $2,000 ami $2,100; postal cashier, $2,800; m0ney·0rder cashier, $2,500. Receipts $1,000,000, but less than $2,000,000——Assistant postmaster, $3,600; supcrmtend—