SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 254. 1920. 1049 of such offices are $500,000 and less than $5,000,000, the postal cashier shall be allowed an increase of $200 ger annum. _ The sala of superintendents of classifie stations shall be based ¤1;iix%`ii5° $ig:il M on the numrllier of regular employees assigned thereto and the annual postal receipts: Provided, That I10_ allowance shall be made for sales §g'§,f,';h°m_ of stamps to patrons residing outside of the territory of the stations. At delivery stations each $100,000 of postal recei ts shall be considered e ual to one additional employee. At nondlelivery classified stations, (lmown as finance stations, each $25,000 of postal receipts shall be considered as ecipal to one additional employee. At classified stations aving less than four emriloyees and where S,,;,,,i.,,_ the receipts are less than $100,000 the salary of the superintendent m§jg¤g,§;u gg shaH not be greater than that of a special clerk. p1¤yees,¤z¤. At classified stations having four employees or more the salary of Bam on number 0, the superintendent shall be as follows: Four and not exceeding six employees. employees, $2,100; seven and not exceeding eighteen employees, $2,200; nineteen and not exceeding thirty-two employees, $2,300; thirty-three and not exceeding forty-four employees, $2,400; forty- five and not exceeding sixty- our employees, $2,500; sixty-five and not exceeding ninety employees, $2,600; ninety-one and not exceeding one hundred and twenty employees, $2,700; one hundr·ed and twenty- one and not exceeding one hundred and fifty emplo ees, $2,800; one hundred and fifty-gone and not exceeding three humhed and fifty employees, $3,000; thee hundred and fifty-one employees and over, $3,200. ` At classified stations having sixty-five or more employees there Assistant supermay be an assistant superintendent of stations with salary as follows: ¥‘.§{’§§§§$,g_“t °*“S" Sixty-five and not exceedi% ninet employees, $2,200; ninety-one and not exceeding one hun ed and twenty employees, $2,300; one hundred and twenty-one and not one hundred and fifty employees, $2,400; one hrmdred and fifty-one and not exceedigig three hundred and fifty employees, $2,600; three hundred and ty-one em loyees and over, $2,800. 'lphat clerks in first and second-class post offices and letter carriers Clerks and csrriers. in the City Delivery Service shall be divided into five grades as %°.§,§?d umd °l°s° follows: First grad¢%salary, $1,400; second grade-salary, $1,500; Grades ¤¤d ¤¤1¤ri¢¤· third grade—salary, $1,600; fourth grade-salary, $1,700; fifth rade·—salary, $1,800: Provided, That in the readjustment of grades Pwwm. for clerks at first and second class post offices and letter earners in p.§,°;‘{3j“g$.Y'£,`ZY° mm the City Delivery Service to conform to the grades herein rovided, grade 1 shall include present grade 1, grade 2 shall includg present grade 2, grade 3 shall include present grade 3, grade 4 shall include resent grade 4, and grade 5 shall inc ude resent ades 5 and 6: w,§;}‘§*n§§,“,§§,°,§_§$d*‘°° igrovidedbfurther, That hereafter substitute cllerks in gist and second class post offices and substitute letter carriers in the City Delivery Service when appointed regular clerks or carriers shall have credit for actual time served on a basis of one year for each three hundred and six days of eight hours served as substitute, and appointed to the grade to which such clerk or carr·ier would have progressed had P~¢»¤· 1152 his original aprppintment as substitute been to grade one: And pro- Grads prcmstions vidrrl further, at clerks in first and second class post offices and y°my' letter carriers in the City Delivery Service shall be promoted successively after one year’s satisfactory service in each grade to the next higher grade until they reach the fifth grade. All promotions shall be made at the beginning of the quarter following one year’s satisfactory service in the grade: And rmrided further, That there shall Spesislslsrksbe two grades of special clerks as follows: First grade-—salary, $1,900; second grade—sa ary, $2,000: And mvided fw-ther, That printers, §r{p,tg¤.mw¤s¤i¤s. mechanics, and Skilled laborers shaliwfor the pur ose of promotion an J ms' and compensation, be deemed a part of the clerical)force. 4-l·~2S1°—-21-—6S
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1070