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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1071

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1050 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 254. 1920. Pay °’S¤b¤¤l“*°$· That the pay of substitute, temporary, or auxiliary clerks at first and second class post offices and substitute letter carriers in the City Delivery Service shall be at the rate of 60 cents per hour. ge§;¤,§g*Cg¤;§§6,¥e$g§$°”‘ That watchmen, messengers, and laborers in first and second class Gfadesand pay. post offices shall be divide into two grades, as follows: First grade- Qggygom salary, $1,350; second grade-salary, $1,450: Provided, That watch- ` men, messengers, and laborers shall be promoted to the second grade after one year’s satisfacto service in the first grade. c,§,g_i I WB Y P°““' That railwag postal clerks shim be divided into two classes, Class gassesandgradcs. A and Class , and into six grades as follows: Grade one—·salax3*, ay` $1,600; ade two-salary, $1,700; grade three-—-salary, $1,850; gra e Laborers four-sigllaq, $2,000; grade fivejsalary, $2,150; grade six—salary, cmdessiia pay. $2,300; an laborers m the Railway Mail Service shall be divided into two grades, as follows: Grade one——salary, $1,350; grade twosalary, $1,450. _ _ _ _ _ Clgggijcatiqn smb. For the purpose of orgamzation and establishing maximum grades “Sh°d· to which promotions may be made successively, as herein rovided, · runs now in Class A and all terminal railway post offices and transfer oflices shall be laced in Class A, and the remainder in Class B. mea emks. Road clerks dliall be promoted successivel to grade three for clerks, G'°°° P‘°m°“°“’· and to grade four for clerks in charge of Class A, and to grade five for clerks and to grade six for clerks in charge of Class B. _ rs-mma: and mus- Terminal railway post office and transfer clerks shall be promoted '°§,{,‘§,‘,’;*’{,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,S_ successively to grade three for clerks of whom general scheme distribution is not required, and to grade four for clerks of whom general scheme distribution is required, and for clerks in charge to grade five in terminals or tours or crews in terminals consisting of not more than nineteen clerks or in transfer offices or tours in transfer oiilices of not more than four clerks, and to grade six in terminals or tours or crews in terminals consisting of twenty or more clerks and in transfer offices or tours in transfer offices of Eve or more clerks. C,,,k,,,,h,,,g,_ A clerk charge is defined as a clerk in charige of a railway post S¤=w¤<1¤¤¤¤<1- office, terminal railway post office, or transfer office whether he performs service alone or as a crew of clerks under his supervision, or of a. tour or a crew within a tour of a terminal railway post office or transfer office. C,,,k,, at Omces of All clerks assigned to the office of division superintendents or chief gggigg ¤¤r¤¤¤¢¤¤—*· clerks officessh 1 be promoted successively to grade three, and in the Gxiadepromctious. office of division superintendent four clerks may be romoted one grade per annum to grade four, four clerks to ade five, and four clerks to grade six, and in the office of chief clerk; one clerk may be promoted one grade per annum to grade four, one clerk to grade five, and one clerk to lgrade six. Ex,,,m,,,,S wd as. Examiners sha be {promoted successively to grade Eve and assistant Sisggggétions examiners to grade our whether assigned to the office of division ` superintendents or chief clerks offices. y_,},,,,€,,_ aborers shall be promoted to grade two after one year’s satisfac- PM¤¤¤·>¤- tory service in grade one. T,m,,,0,,,,,m0,,O¤S_ Promotions shall be made successively at the beginning of the quarter following a year`s satisfactory service in the next lower grade. nsagsmeni m new In the readjustment of the service to conform to the ades herein ’°“”¥5· provided, grade one shall mclude clerks in present grad; one, grade two shall include clerks in present (grades two and three, grade three shall include clerks in present gra es four and tive, ade four shall include clerks in present grades six and seven, grade ége shall include clerks in present grades eight and nine, and grade six shall include clerks in present grade ten. summers. Substitute railway postal clerks shall be aid the sal of grade mgggf Per ¤¤¤P'°‘ one for service actual y performed during the first caleiildyar year of service, which shall constitute his probationary period, when, if his