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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1075

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1054 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 255-257. 1920. _ _ village of Bonita., Louisiana, for the south half of the southwest D°S°""“°”‘ uarter, section five, township twenty-two north, ran e eight east, Louisiana meridian, situated in Morehouse Parish, {Louisiana, in trust for the use and benefit of the persons, estates, Hrms, or corporations now claiming said lands or éiarts thereof under or by virtue of titles derived from or through the tate of Louisiana or its grantee, L. S, Neighbours, of which said lands the present claimants and their grantors ave had the actual possession as owners, by virtue of titles P,m0_ derived from said St_ate and its gpantee for more than thirty years: tiring for applica- Provided, That acpplication for e_p1u·chase of the said described °“’°°‘ tract of land un er this authorization shall be filed at the United States land office at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, within sixty days from ,,.,,,,5 etc www the passage and approval of this Act. ’ “T e true intent of this Act is hereby declared to be to concede and abandon all right, title, and interest of the United States to those rsons, estates iirms, or corporations who would be the true and lfwful owners of said lands or parts thereof under the laws of Louisiana, inclsliding the large sg preslcigptgon, in the absence of said interest, title, an estate o the nite ta es. Approved, June 5, 1920. mé ? S CHAP. Act Aiirtglorszitpg ghe Superistgndent of thi; Coastdand c - 0 BICB, GODS} G1`, , [Pubm No` W'] aduiigggngii iletermip: dlK§i).¤ln)e forcdamizgeegczztécgionedolilgrmwm for which said survey is responsi G 111 certain 08898. . Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United sign`?. me Gwdmc States of Amertltz in Congress aesembZed?Thg.)t' the Superiritendent of b,F‘;§‘,§s°§f‘,,d‘},‘;“§§? the Coast and Geodetic Survey, subject to the spproval of the Secreppgd tb? S“P“l¤‘ ta of Colnmerce, IS hereby authorized to consi er, ascertain, adpust, ° an anldldetermme all claims for damages, where the amount of the c aim Report to CMMS- does not exceed $500, hereafter occasioned by acts for which the Coast and Geodetic Survey shall be found to be responsible, and report the amounts so ascertained and determined to be due the claimants to Congress at each session thereof through the Treasury Department for ayment as le al claims out of appropriations that may be made by Congress therefor. Approved, June 5, 1920. `ulgiiéaiiia CHAP. 257&?Ant£ct For the relief of the Garden City (Kansas) Water Usex·¤’ — RTW>T'-Kl*` Association, 8·¤ or o et purposes. · it mi B. Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United ¢i¤§¤mri?>i¤§»,_§g<§ér States of Ameribcg in Congress a.ssermbled,fThsil;r the contracls affecting cvrgiiéicmneu, ap. lands in the Garden City proiject of the Reclamation Service in Finney County, Kansas, hereto ore entered into between the Finnev Count Water Users’ Association of Finney County, Kansas, or with individrual landowners, and the Secretary of the Interior for the supply and use of water from the irrigation plant_of the United States be, and the same are hereby, canceled and relieved; and the hens upon the lands in said county created by such contracts are hereby released and discharged. Approved, June 5, 1920.