SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 254, 255. 1920. 1053 years. Sick leave shall be granted onli); upon satisfactory evidence of illness and if for more than two days the application therefor shall be accompanied b a physician’s certificate. _ The fifteen clhys leave shall be credited at the rate of one and i.,§$$§tmy °'°d" °f one- uarter days for each month of actual service. Whenever an employee herein provided for shall have been re- di£é°iit°°2ii°iii¤yg¤i li} duced in salary for any cause, he may be restored to his former grade *°¤¤°’ ¤”d°· °*°· or advanced to an intermediate grade at the beginning of any quarter following the reduction, and a restoration to a former grade or advancement to an intermediate {grade shall not be construed as a promotion within the meaning 0 the law prohibiting advancement of more than one grade within oneiyear. ~ _ Hereaf ter when the needs of e service require the employment on Siiriildeldldidrgmiailié Sundays or holidays of foremen, special clerks, clerks carriers, watch- ‘°* °mP'°Y¤¤°¤° °¤· men messengers, or laborers at first and second class post offices, or of railway ostal clerks at terminalrailway post offices and transfer offices, they sihall be allowed compensatory time withinsix days next succeeding the Sunday and within thirty da next succeeding the O H. holiday on which service is £erformed, and gat portion of the Act ieQeY.ieJl°° arm approved July 2, 1918, au orizing the payment for overtime in p,a,‘§;_*°· P· 7*5* '°‘ lieu of compensatory time is herebfy repealed. P tt M All employees herein provided or in automatic grades, who have m§Y$i¤§'°€¤e_ye$§ not reached the maximum grades to which they are entitled to progress ‘°”S‘“°*°'>’ S°'“°°· automatically, shall be promoted at the beginning of the quarter following the completion of one year’s satisfactog service since their last [promotion, regardless of any increases in s aries granted them by the provisions of this Act. Promotions Ms ep On and after Jul; 1 1921, no supervise official or employee in vispry umass uprethe Postal Service s all be promote more gran $300 dur` any one ’"‘°‘°°· gear, except when appointed ppstmaster, inspector inuizharge, or uplermtendent of the ailway a1l Service. Tmm ( mk e Postmaster General maly, when the interest of the service re- meemaeri-lpgmiresal Bpires, transfer any clerk to the position of carrier or any carrier to _ e position of clerk, such transfer to be made to the corresponding grace and salary of the clerk or carrier transferred. I , t tal I . That the joint commission authorized under section 3 of the Act umiiga °°sto¤iiii°is°f.iiI of Februar 28, 1919, making appropriations for the service of the °°j‘,'},$',"°,§l·5$3_ Post Officel)epartment, be continued until the next regular session of ' Congress to prepare a detailed report of the investigation. That section 2 of an Act cntit ed "An Act makm appropriations ,,,l{’°{f,'§j;}cdf’°Y ‘°' for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending Aria, p-583.=¤1>¤¤1¤d· June 30, 1921, and for other purposes/’ approved April 24, 1920, be, and the same is hereby, repealed, except in so far as it affects the pay of employees not covered by this Act. _ _ Y { I r That the sums approprrated for salaries and compensation of p,i_,‘§.,”,§§°li,§T; ”.§”F,,i‘£ pos trnasters and cmp) oyees of the Postal Service in the ct approved ¤*>§;,,, p_ Su April 24, 1920, shall e available for the pa ment of salaries and com- ’ ensation of ostmasters and dpostal emphiyees at the rates of pay mw I r Eerein providled; and such a ditional sums as may be necessary ,,,;,,ti.,,,}°“° “*°p ‘* are hereby appropriated to carry out the provisions of this Act. Approved, June 5, 1920. CHAP. 255.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issuepatent to R. L. Uredille, mayor of the village of Bonita, Louisiana, in trust, for certarn pur- p<;5€'!?. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amwica in C’< assemble , That upon playrnent to the §§§f;}·g;,*`*,;,_L_ c,,_ United States of 81.25 per acre, the Secretariy of the terror be, and {1;;;, I is hereby, authorized to issue patent to R. . Credille, mayor of the iam.,
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