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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1078

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 263, 264. 1920. 1057 CHAP. 263.-An Act Authorizing and directing the Director of the Census to collect Jima 5, 1920- and publish monthly statistics concerning hides, skins, and leather, Be it enacted by the Semzte and House o_ZfRepresentatives of the United _ _ States of America. in Congress assemlgled, hat the Director of the Cen- ,,§},‘§‘f· S’““’· md sus lpse, and he is herlel y, authorized and directed to collect and mggggggicsagf, *311: ub h statistics mont conce — uma monthly by P (a) The quantities and, classes of gides and skins, owned or stored, °‘*I‘},,",,'€,f,’,,‘§‘,§'g; SNC,. and the quantities and classes of such products disposed of during mdthe prece mg census month by packers, abattoirs, butchers, tanners, jobbers, dealers, wholesalers, importers, and ewan; (b) The quantities and classes of hides and s in the process of tanning for rlnanufactlxe, the tlquantities and amount o iinished roduct or the rece mon ; P (c) The quantities andgclasses of leather owned or stored and manufactured during the preceding census month by tanners, jobbers, dealers, wholesaler]? importers, exporters, and establishments cutting or consuming eat er. Sec. 2. rnot the information furnished by any anoivadnoi estab- o%";§%.‘°' lishment under the rovisions of this Act shall be considered as strictl confidential and sh& be used onlfy for the statistical purposes for which it is supplied. Any employee 0 the Bureau of Census who, without aufmumrgfaéeggéggg the written authority of the Director of the Census, shall publish or mtiug, oa., by Census communicate any in ormation given into his possession by reason of °““"°"°°‘ his employment under the provisions of this ct shall bedguilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fine not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. Ifmrms, ao., po- Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of every owner, fpresident, or }*,,“‘{.‘§{,,L§’ treasurer, secretary, director, or other officer or agent 0 any abattoir and of any packing, tanning, jobbiug, dealing, wholesaling, importing, or exporting estabhshment where hides and skins are stored or sol , or leather is tanned, treated, Hnished, or stored or any establishment is engaged in the cutting of leather or in the production of boots and shoes, gloves, saddlery, harness, or other manufactures of leather goods, wherever leather is consumed, when requested by the Director of the Census or by any special agent or other employee of the Census Office acting under the instructions of said director to furnish completely and accurateéy to the best of his knowledge, all the information mm, Omommd, authorized to be co ected by section 1 of this ct. The demand of the Director of the Census for such information shall be made in writing or by a visiting representative and if made in writing shall be forwarded by registered mail and the registry receipt of the Post Office Department shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of such P mm M for M_ demand. Any owner, president, treasurer, secretary, director, or znsniiio nnsivor, ow. other officer or aient o any establishment required to finnish information under the provisions of this Act, who under the conditions hereinbefore stated s all refuse or vrillfull neglect to furnish any of the information herein provided for or shall willfully give answers that are false, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $1,000. Approved, June 5, 1920. CHAP. 264.-.4.:1 Act To authorize aids to navigation and for other works in the liruiziiiiiiigj Lighthouse Service, and for other purposes. {Public, xo. 2%.] Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re esentatives of the _ . Tufted States of zi/merica in Congress assemFii>d, {ha? *5116 S?°I`€‘t¤U’ Mm Nmgamm of Commerce is hereby authorized to establish, provide, or improve