1058 sixTY-s1XrH coiwennss. Sess. II. cH. 264. 1920. - _ the following aids to navigation and other works in the Lighthouse izgiimm Etc" author Service, under the Department of Commerce, in accordance with the respective limits of cost hereinafter respectively set forth, which sha lin no case be exceeded: _ _ Vmels- Constructing or purchasing and equipping lighthouse tenders and Qggggmhmmy light vessels for the Liglhthouse Service, $5,000,000: Provided, That Nggé, and Smppmé the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Shipping B mg, ,,_ 1416. Board shall report to the Secretary of Commerce such vessels as they are willing to dispose of, and which by reasonable alterations can be used for light vessels, or lighthouse tenders; and if the use of the vessels should be justified by the necessary expenditure for alterations, transfer of the shi s shall be made to the Department P . of Commerce, and they shall be used for the_ purposes of this Act; F~°P=*’¤*»°*¤· and the sum herein authorized shaH be available for such repairs and be reduced by the sums saved by the use of such vessels. Third diS¤’i¤*· rmrm Lremnousm DISTRICT. y3`$’§§$§”’vu]°’ N' Extending and enlarging the machine shop at the general light, -**·*=· P- 21* house depot, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, New York, $15,000 additional to the amount agirpropriated in Act of July 19, 1919. Ri¤*'¤PPi¤8· Riprap to reinforce oundations and protect them from damage by sea and ice and make more accessib e boat landmgs at certam light stations, $134,000. F¤¤"h *u***i°°· iromzrn uenmousn nrsrmcr. ,,:$w’"° my °”` Improving the aids to navigation at the entrance to Delaware _ _ _ Bay, $148,500. smh °‘“"°t‘ srxrn Lrorrrnousn msrnicr. dg§fl°st°°’ S` C" Completing the lighthouse depot for the sixth lighthouse district at Charleston, South Carolina, $60,000. S°"°“‘h diS"'i°" snvnnrn Lieurnousn nrsrmcr. Tamp°’m' Establishing and improving aids to navigation in Tampa Bay, _ _ Florida, $17,500. E‘"‘*"‘“’*“g d°"°t‘ Purchasing site and constructing and equipping a lighthouse depot for the seventh lighthouse district, $250,000. Ei""" ““‘“°" meirrir morrrnousn msrmcr. G“"`°“°“*T°‘* Improving Galveston Jetty Light Station, Texas, including fogsigna station, $6,500. T""°"‘h ‘”S“i°i‘ rwsmm Lronrnorzsiz nisrnrcr. L““¤g‘°“)“‘°h· Improving aids to navigation and establishing new aids at Ludington, Michigan, $50,000. S¤¢¤<¢¤=h disrrict- sixrnmrrii L1oHTHOUsn nisrnrcrr.
- 3***** For improvements to aids to navi ation in Alaska, including
improving of Pomt Retreat and Cape ilinchinbrook Light Station, . $32,500. D°p°t°°°Stmm°°° Continuing construction of the lighthouse depot for the sixteenth lighthouse district, $12,000.