SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 273, 285. 1920. 1063 CHAP. 3. int Resolution Authori th .Tune5, 1920. session emgdyeehbli the Senate and House diDE€epr:wprit};1?i<i;bi£rt?liec:ii1>11h)i?hDBdftlirIh;?f 1920, on ure sur day or are mouth. c iP¤*>· Ras N·>· 524 Resolved by the Senate and House tif Repgeserttatives of the United States of America in 0 ess assembled, at the Secretary of the ,,,,f,§’{},§,'g;§§‘Q§”{,eS°§j,‘;}g Senate and Clerk of the0l’·l%Tuse of Representatives are hereby author- June 5. 1920, salaries ized and directed to pay to the session employees of the Senate and ‘°' mmm °U“°°' House of Representatives borne on the session roll their respective ‘ salaries for the month of June, 1920, on the Efth day of said month. Approved, June 5, 1920. C June 10. 1920. CHAP. 285.—An Act To create a Federal Power Commission; to provide for the improvementof navigation; the development of water wer; the use of the public go? °* ¥6‘Q,;92°°‘ lands in relation thereto, and to repeal section 18 of the Sfiver and Harbor Apixopria- ’ p' · tion Act, approved August 8, 1917, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a commission is hereby er§’§°'°* “'°°°‘ P°W· created and established, to be known as the Federal Power Commis- Fgsiéral Power C<>m~ sion (hereinafter referred to as the commission), which shall be com- mldiigiibn are amps. osed of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Interior, and the ¤“i°” °'· Secretary of Agriculture. 'llwo members of the commission shall constitute a uorum for the transaction of business and the commission shallilrave an official seal, which shall be 'udicially noticed. The President shall designate the chairman of the commission. Srze. 2. That the commission shall appoint an executive secretary, Ex°°‘““’° “°‘°°°·'¥ who shall receive a salary of $5,000 a ear, and prescribe his duties, man or Amy en. and the commission may request the Piresident of the United States g*“°°' °“°°‘· to detail an officer from the United States E eer Co to serve the commission as engineer officer, his duties t<‘i%I•i prmcrlibzd by the cOThI;1;·Si>(i·l1<· of the commission shall be performed by and through the DE‘°°““°'}°"§°§$*" De artments of War, Interior, and Agriculture and their engineering, eriimmm S 0 an teclinical, clerical, and other personnel except as may be otherwise provided by law. _ E th mm All the expenses of the commission, including rent in the District xp°°s°°°° ° of Columbia, all necessary expenses for transportation and subsistence, including, in the discretion of the commission, a per diem of not exceeding $4 in lieu of subsistence incurred by its employees under its orders rn making any investigation, or conducting field work, or upon official business outside of the District of Columbia and away from their designated points of duty, shall be allowed and aid on the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor approved by a member or ofiicer of the commission authorized tibr that purpose; and in order to defray the expenses made necessary by the provisions of this Act there is hereby authorized to be a propriated suchsums as Con- Appmpmdm gross may hereafter determine, and the sum of $100,000 is hereby appropriated, out of any_moneys rn the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, available until expended, to be paid out upon warrants drawn on the Secretary of the easurv upon order of the commrssion. mmm, Omms as Sr-:c. 3. Thaft thtcilwords define? ilrighis section shall have the follow- used. ° in meanin or e purposes o t Act, to wit: .. · ,., g‘ Public isilnds/’ means such lands and interest inlands owned by Public was the United States as are subject to private appropriation and disposal under public-land laws. It shall not include "reser·vations," as ereinaf ter defined. _ ,,Rmm,_,m ,, " Reservations”’ means national monuments, national parks, na- ° tional forests, tribal lands embraced within Indian reservations, military reservations, and other lands and interests in lands owned by the
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