1062 SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 270-272. 1920. ment to be held at Hodgkins Springs, neair Fort Worth, Texas, from June 24 to June 27, inclusive, 1920, one hundred tents and cots:
etc Provided, That no expense shall be caused the United States Govern-
’ ment by the delivery and return of said property, the same to be delivered to the commander of said Albert Sidney Johnston Camp at such time prior to the holding of said encampment as may be _ agreed upon b the Secretary of War and the commander of said B°‘“* ’°q“‘“"L camp: Prcvidedyfurther, That the Secretary of War, before delivering said cots and blankets, shall take from the commander of said camp a good and sufficient security for the safe return of said property in ood order and condition, and the whole to be without expense to the Ilnited States Government. Approved, June 5, 1920. [g}‘§°§gg?§g;,_] CHAP. 271.—J'oint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of _Wa.r to loan to the
American Legion Post Numbered Seventy-three, Vincennes, Indiana necessary cots
for use at the State encampment of the American Legion to be held at Vincennes, Indiana, on June 28 and 29, 1920. _ _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ·,§}¤°;*$g’§s{·§,¤;,‘;‘,;·,O, States of America in Omyyress assembled, at the Secretary of War Qgme encampmcut. be, and IS hereby, authorized to loan, in his discretion, to the American m°°”°°S’m°‘ Legion Post Numbered Seventy-three, of Vincennes, Indiana, two thousand cots to be used at the State encampment of the American Legion to be held m the city of Vincennes, Indiana, on June 28 and
29: Provided, That no expense shall be caused the Uhltéd States
Government by the delivery and return of said property, the same to be delivered to the commander of said American Lggion post, at such time as may be agreed upon b the Secretary of ar and the com- B°°°‘ mander of said post: Promkledyfurtlwr, That the Secretary of War, before delivering said equi ment, shall take from the commander of said post_a good and suflibient security for the safe return of said property rn good order and condition, and the whole to be without expense to the United States Govemment. Approved, June 5, 1920. qiiililiiibii CHAP. 272.-Joint Resolution Authorizing the erection of a monument marking TFTfi>T'éTY$7E`s1.] the starting point of the motor convoy from Washington to San Francisco. D,S,,,,.,,,,C,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ Resolved by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United Stggnumggargfggtgg States cg Americaym Congress assembled, Thrat the Secretary of War cpu.-}}§gi°¤ sm rm- is here y authorized to permit the replacement of the temdporary °'$·“°"°'“·”·“"‘°"‘°"~ monument located on the United States meridian of longitu e at a point on the north side of the Ellipse, within the District of Columia, by a permanent monument, w `ch shall mark the starting point of the motor convoy from Washirigton, District of Columbia, to San Francisco, California, and which may serve as a point from which
distances may be measured on United States h` hways radiating
»°°"d“*°°$‘ from Washington, Distrrct of Columbia. Such replacement shall be made without expense to the United States, and the des' of such monument shall e approved by the Commission of Finelits. Approved, Jrme 5, 1920.