1082 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. GHS. 2-4. iezo. premium, and which said contract shall be signed by said guest and erases guests may said proprietor or his clerk: Provided further, That nothing herein '°*““" contained shall apply to such an amoimt of money and such jewelry or other articles o value as is usual, common, or prudent for guests Locking of mm, to getain in their rooms. _ _ em nc. 2. That whenever the proprietor of any hotel or mn shall keep posted m a consp1cuous manner on the inside of the entrance door to the sleeping rooms of said hotel or inn a notice printed in {listmct English type requiring the (guests occupying said rooms to _ _ _ ock or bolt the door of said room an upon leaving said room to lock b,{;{§"°}§“ §§gg§,°g the door and deposit the key at the office, the proprietor shall not be M" h‘*`Z}° f°.’§. “£?’ i"’é%i?§$“§E“ {*33 "i".§'h’°°”“ tf it SMH €il"i°?{ ‘i‘“° sairoo ase e es oc orunoe ora eey was not so deposited at the office at the time of the loss of said balglgage, unless the loss is directly or indirectly caused by or attributa e to the proprietor or his employee or employees.- Approved, December 21, 1920. [H. CHAP. 3.—A.u Act To provide for the award of a medal of merit to the personnel
of the merchant marine of the United States of America.
Mum Oimcdt mp Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re gzesentatives of the United Siummmne. ’ States of America in Oongresa assembled, T _ t the President of the ’?"°'d°‘“°§,d"“°‘ United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to present, but not slvaiirgdwslwrli Wiiim in the name of Congress, a medal of merit of applropriate design with a bar and ribbon, together with a rosette or other device to e worn in lieu thereof, to any person who in the merchant marine of ghe Urptieéi Statp; between tihe 6th gay of ApriI,f1£g17, and the 11th ay o ovem r, 1918 istingu` ed him' sel extraor inary O mu heroism or distinguished service at sea in the line 027 duty. mfg °“° ° ‘° ’ Sec. 2. That no more than one medal of merit shall be issued to Bu for sumqum a.ny_one lperson, but for each succeeding deed or service suffic1ent to deed. Lustnfy the award of a medal, the President may award a suitable ar or ofhcg suitable enhblem or insignia to be worn with the decora- _ _ _ tion an the correspon ing rosette or other device. ,,,;“°° ‘“““ '°‘ ‘““‘ b Sec. 3. fglmt, exrizlpt as otherwise preicribe;1 herpin, golmedal pr ar orsuia eem em or msrgmam 1cu o said me a shall e Statmenummiw, issued to any i-person after three years from the passage of this Act, ctcerequired- unleisgta Speck <éSi·8t6{D611$ 05 report distinctly setting fgrth thei argl; or _1l1gl11S e service an sugges or recommen mg 0 ci recogmtion thereof shall have been riilxe and substantiated at the tluxie of the act or service or within three years after the passage of this c . d.f;,'{,‘}"’ in °“° °' _Sec. 4. That in case an individual who shall distinguish himself dies before the making of the award to which he may be entitled, the award nevertheless may be made and the medal or bar or other emlgem pr preseéited to such representative of the deceased as e residen may esignate. R°*""“"°‘”·°‘°· Sec. 5. The President _1s authorized to make from time to time any and all rules, regulations, orders which he shall deem necessary to carry mto e act the provisions of this Act. Approved, December 22, 1920. D°§§Z?l)%€r7%•i3biim` CHAP. 4.—An Act To provide for the treatment in hospital of diseased alien lP¤bl=¤.5¤·299-l seamen. . Be it enacted by the Senate and H mise o Re esentati of the United ‘m°”s°°°°°' States of America in ("onpress assem.bZed{Th£t· alien sgalirien found on arrival in ports of the Lmted States to be afflicted with any of the