SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 4, 7. 1920. 1083 disabilities or diseases mentioned in section _35 of the Act of February ,°rH:,,P*v°{‘¤g f_':*Aj"g$,f 5, 1917, entitled "An Act to regulate the immigration of a.liens to, cul pm with wuand the residence of aliens m, the United States," shall be placed in °°`$Y;»,°4ij°,%t°' a hospital designated by the immigration oihcial in cha e at the port of arrival and treated, all expenses connected therewilth, includ- _.,,Q§;’j>¤¤° W '•¤¤* mg burial in the event of death, to be borne by the owner, agent, consignee, or master of the vessel, and not to be deducted from the seamen’s wages, and no such vessel shall be clearance until such expenses are paid or their payment alxropriately guaranteed and the collector o customs so notified by e immigration official HMM in charge: Provided, 'I`hat alien seamen suspected of eing afflicted nemtvsinmvess with any such disability or disease may be removed from the vessel °°"°"“‘“°‘°"‘ on whic they arrive to an immigration station or other appropriate place for such observation as will enable the su;§eons definitely to determine whether or not they are so ct , all expenses connected therewith to be borne in the manner herembefore Romum uu ‘ u prescribed: Provided {further, That in cases in which it shall appear ¤mu.m. to the satisfaction 0 the immigration official in charge that it will not be possible within a reasonable time to eEect a cure, the return of the alien seamen shall be enforced on or at the expense of the vessel on which they came, upon such conditions as the Commissioner General of Immigration, with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, shall prescribe, to insure that the aliens shall be proplerly cared for and protected, and that the spread of contagion sha be guarded against. , Approved, December 26, 1920. GHAP. 7.-—I¤int Resolution To create a Joint Committee on the Reorganization ` of the Administrative Bnnch of the Government. Resolved by the Senate and House eif Re esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 'llhat a joint committee is Rg_1¤¢ <>¤¤¤g;i¢¤>¤ ¤¤ created, to be known as the Joint Committee on Reorganization cu°ii°;&°eiim.' which shall consist of three Members of the Senate to be appointed by the President thereof, and three Members of the House ofPRepre- · sentatives to be apppinted lt? the Speaker thereof. Vacancies occurring in the mem ersl;iIp o the committee shall be filled in the same manner as the origin appointments. Sec. 2. That 1t shal be the du? of the Joint Committee on g¤¤·•¤¤;y¤g¤¤im_ Reorganization to make a survey o the administrative services of u¤¤`¥l•°Z or o?·a¤- the Government for the purpose of sec all pertinent facts con- ccrning their powers and duties, their distrigution among the several executive departments, and their overla ping and duplication of authority; also to determine what redistribution of activities should ‘ff”§{‘§,E be made among the several services, with a view to the proper 1>¤r¢¤¤·¤¢ ¤¤¢M¤¤- correlation of the SBIIIO, and what departmental regroupmgh of services should be made, so that each executive department s all embrace only services havmglclose working relation with each other - and ministering directly to the primary purpose for which the same are maintained and operated, to the end that there shall be achieved the largest possible measure of efliciency and economy in the conduct of Government business. ·- Sec. 3. That the committee shall, from time to time, report to °*°·· *° "° both the Senate and the House of Representatives the results of its inquiries, together with its recommendations, and shall prcdpgre and submit bills or resolutions having for their urpose the coor a- tion of Government functions and their most eiiibient and economical conduct, and the final resort of said committee shall be submitted *`*¤¤**°P°"°· not later than the secon Monday in December, 1922. The com-
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