1.086 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sass? III.” CHs.`1l. 12. 1921. J 6»l92I~ CHAP. 11.-——A A tP `d` ddi nal f h f h
uga. hgmgdsatgneisis 0EiTf¤a‘?gw?tn¤“€tt $$2. ‘§J.t°1£.Z$§§i%.}t}€i£?§“é%2§Z
' ' va 011,111 on a. Be it enacted by the Senate and H case of Re esentatives of the United mliigiy States of America in Congress assembled, Tggt any person who has M.‘j.‘{,§,6 ,m,,,,,,,, ,0, made homestead entry under the provisions of the Act of Congress §>;~myg¤B¤rr;¤¤°¤¤{°1{¤d;m<& gggoveggegimglyg 11, wl; (Thirtygleigléth Sttatutep ta; Iiarige, page aamaauea. en 1 e c au orizing e ecre ary_o e_ n erior 0 , V°‘·38·P· “”· survey the lands of the abandoned Fort Assinmbome Military Reservation and open the same to settlement/’ may obtain an extension of time for one year from the anniversary of the date of entry last preceding the passage of this Act within which to pay all of the installment then due or any part of any preceding installment, where payment has not yet been made and where an extension of time I““'°“* ¥’°’m°“"· therefor is not authorized by any Act of Congress by paving interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum on the sums to `be extended from the maturity of the unpaid installments to the expu·ation of the eriod of extension, the interest to be paid to the receiver of the office for th; district lindvivhicli the lands are iitiéztéed, `thin su time as may e rescribe or t at urpose y the re- Pmuor. W1 . . . nxt · ts tary of the Interior: Prmndgd That any install)ment which becomes d“° "?‘l£Il’l)‘:y;1.é"Fl due within one year from they passage of this Act and for which an extensionlolf time for paymgnt is not ogherwise authorized, lpiay also . be exten e for a erio o one ear y paying interest thereon in s1$ifidm°°°i me advance at the saill rate: Preymklred further, That any payment so extended may thereafter in the discretion of the Secretary of the _ Interior be extended for afurther period of one year in like manner: ,,,§,,°§f'·‘“‘““°“ P"' And p(;o*vtdedfu;·ther, 'lghliit if cgmniuéatiop proof is subnutted, all the . l1I18.1 pa ensmus ema ea a 1me. ¤¤Il£t°riit°f¤i¤i:k¤°l;i¤ti§X Sec. 2. Tlilat the failure of any entigman to make any payment that m°““‘ may be due, unless the same be exten ed, or to make any payment extenilegl eithler under the purolyisiorip hereof or plthea Act oftCo:11g5ess1,;l§ or eoret etimetow `c suc pa ent as een ex en e s forfeit the entry and the same shallqlie canceled, and any and all payments theretofore made shall be forfeited. Approved, January 6, 1921. h¤l1¤lz9(l{7llm' CHAP. 12.——An Act To amend section 8 of an Act to provide for the sale of desert lHFli¢. Nv- 293-l lands in certain States and Territorities a proved March 3, 1877, as amended by an Act to repeal timber culture laws, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1891. Public hm Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United nam land tems. States of America an Congress ass , That section 8 of an Act to v°l‘ "*"‘3"‘ provide for the sale of desert lands in certain States and Temtoncs, approved March 3, 1877, as amended by an Act to repeal timber c ture laws, and for other piugoses, approved March 3, 1891, be, Appmbm ,0 cob and the same is hereby, amende so as to read as follows: neo. I "S1·:c. 8. That thodpiovisions of the Act to which this is an 8·¤16I1{l- ,.¤l$°,i3sazl' p` (m' ment, and the amen ents thereto, shall apply` to and be force in Rm,,c,.,d to msi. the State of Colorado, as well as the States named in the original Act; gf? °“,”f’¤’· °‘°°P‘ and, excepting 111 tho State of Nevada, no person shall be entitled to make entry o desert lands unless he be a resident citizen of the State or Territory in which the land sought to be entered is located." Approved, J anuary 6, 1921.