SIXTY—SIXTH ooncnsss. ssp;. 111. oss. 9, 10. 1921. 1085 ‘ In run Housn or Rnrnnsnmsrwns 01-* mn Uirrrnn Sryms. January 4, 1921. The House havmg' roceeded, in ursuance of the Constitution, to P°°$° §,,,"§’m§,{’,,‘i reconsider the joint rlisolution (S. Res. 212) entitled "Joint reso- Ex? J P lution directin the War Finance Corporation to take certain action for the relief ol the present depremion in the agricultural sections of the country, and for other purposes," returned to the Senate lay the President of the United States, with his objections thereto, an sent by the Senate to the House of Representatives, with the memage of the President returning the joint resolution: _ Resolved, That the joint resolutiontdlo pass, two-thirds of the House of Re resentatives a to e same. · Attgst: gmcing Pass Wu Tram: Pass Olerk. In um Smnam or run Umran Srxrms January 3, 1921. The President of the United States having returned to the Senate, s,,§§’,§"° by "“° in which it originated, the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 212) "Joint Resolution directing the War Finance Corporation to take certain action for the relief of the prewnt depression in the agggultural sections of the country, and or other purposes," with objections thereto, the Senate proceeded in conformity with the Constitution to reconsider the same and has _ . Resolved, That the joint resolution do pass, twoythirds `of the Senate agreeing to pass the same. · . Attest: Gnonon A. Saimmzsou Secreta1~y. CHAP. 10.-An Act To amend section 3 of an Act entitled "AnActmakingappro- Jmlglrglgédgzll priations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the Gscal year ending June lP“m°· N°· mm 30, 1902, and for other purp0ses," approved March 3, 1901 ('1'h.irty~first Statutes at Large, page 1133). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unded pubuc ;,,,d,_ States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That section 3 o the Act of ¤,§g°Y ·*°° ***8*%** Congress approved March 3, 1901 (Thirty-fi1st Statutes at Large, von. s1, p. ms, page 1133), e, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: ""c3",Q,$’,;,,,,,,,.,,t of "Sec. 3. That section 4 of the Act of August 18, 1894, entitled gw; '°°***¤*¤¢· ‘An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the vi»'1.ze,p.m,•mmu. Government for the sc year ending June 30, 1895, and for other °°‘ purposes} be, and the same is hereby, amended so that the ten-year period within which atpiy State shall cause the lands applied for imder said Act to be irrigat and reclaimed, as rovided in said section, as vera, P, ai, amended b the Act of June 1 1, 1896, shallp begin to run from the date of approval, by the Secretary of the Interior of the State ’s applica- Am.; construction tion or the segregation of such lands; and if actual construction of ‘”°‘¤°*'°d· reclamation works is not begun within three years after the segregation of the lands or within such further period, not exceeding three years, as shall be al1owed_by the Secretary of the Interior, the said nimuomqma. Secretary of the Interior, m his discretion, ma restore such lands to the public domain; and if the State fails, witliin ten years from the date of such segregation, to cause the whole or any artof the lands so segregated to be so irrigated and reclaimed, the gecretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, continue said segregation for a period not exceeding five years, or ma , in his discretion, restore such lands not irrigated and reclaimed to the public domain upon the expiration of the ten-year period or of any extension thereof. Approved, January 6, 1921.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1105