SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 133-135. 1921. 1355 said extension to be of the same width and a continuation of the same lines as said street at its junct1u·e with Delery Street upon the easterly side of said reservation, upon condition that said street shall be improved and maintained liy said city of New Orleans as a public street , and without cost to the nited States: Provided, however, That there €f{¤°°£;°° sm ry is hereby expressly reserved to the United States the right to con- ’°"'°"· struct and maintain over, under, and across that said street water, gas, and sewer mains, electric lights, and telephone wires and cables, and any other requisite utilities which the use of said military reservation may require. . Approved, March 3, 1921. CEA]?. 134.-An Act For the construction of abridge across Rock River at or near Mfsii°hscié.i921` Shirland Avenue, in the city of Beloit, Wisconsin. Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouse og Representatives of the United Rock m at States of America in Congress assembled, That the city of Beloit, in the nasa, ivai, may State of Wisconsin, be, and the same is hereby, authorized to con- "’"dg°‘ struct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Rock River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the point where Shirland Avenue, in said city of Beloit, crosses the said Rock River, in accordance with the rovisions of the Act $%‘f?°32'°,§l°§j entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of liiridges over navigable waters," aplproved March 23, 1906. Sec. 2. at the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ·*¤•¤°¤¤°¤*· expressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1921. CHAP. 135.-—-An Act Providing for the allotment of landswithin the Fort Belknap lirlirfliiéisigzilj Indian Reservation, Montana, an for other purposes. (Public. No-371] Be it enacted by the Senate and House igtepresentatives of tbe United States of America in Congress assembled, at within one year from the R,l;‘§tv,Bg${,l§,'f“,¥}g§{l““ date o approval of this Act the Secretary of the Interior shall appoint d,f,§g*}}A;<j}}g*;{gg§‘8 fg a commission of three persons, two of w om shall be members of the mwpnpmc. ’ Gros Ventre and Assinniboine Tribes of Indians and one member an emplo ee of the Interior Department, who shall cause to be prepared, in sucii manner as they may deem advisable, a complete and final roll, to contain the names of all Indians ascertained to have rights on Pm rm Mmmm the Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana. Immediately upon the ormlmreaeweaxwas. approval of the said roll which shall be the conclusive and final evidence of the right of any Indian of the reservation to an allotment of land, the ecretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to allot pro rata, under rules and regulations and in such areas and classes of lands as may be rescribe by him, amon such enrolled Indians all the unreserved ang otherwise undisposed-oglands ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,p,,,,,,,,,_ on the Fort Belknap Reservation, which trust patents shall be issued p,,,,,,;,,,,_ in the names of the said allottees: Premktedfurther, That any names t F*;;¤d¤;¤•%¤; ¤¤;¤¤¤¤ found to be on the said roll fraudulently may be stricken therefrom {gu. S nc Bn mm by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with the approval of the Secretary lpf tl? interior, at Izfny time within oneflylxizar from the a rova thereo , a ter givinga ersons interested a 0 ortunit tglie heard; and the fraudulentliillotment shall be canceliig and thi; AH°m°“t”°“”°'J°d‘ lands thereof be subject to disposal under the provisions of this Act: uommm Subject find provikiedfurther, That the land allotted hereunder shall be sub- to mm asses. ject to any tribal leases existing at the date of approval of the said allotments.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1375