1356 sixrirsixrn coNennss. Sess. 111. Ch. iss. 1921. 0,*,-§egg,§°¤” ‘¤ °”° Notwithstanding the death of any person duly enrolled as herein ` provided, allotment shall be made in his or her name as though living, the land embraced in such allotment to grass by descent to the legal heirs of the decedent and be subject to isposition as in the case of Aumm dmmd lands of other allottees passing upon their death. _ citizens 011 issue or Sec. 2. That upon the issuance of the trust patents provided for p“t°"°S’ herein the Indians thus allotted are hereby declared to be citizens of Subject ,0 Sim the United States and entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immuaws. nities of such citizens, and the allottees shall have the benefit of and be subject to the laws, both civil and criminal, of the State in Lands reserved for which they may reside. _ _ _ pow, agency, at., Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to P“"’°°°‘ reserve from allotment lands chiefl valuable for the development of water power and such reasonablh areas as may be needed for Indian agency, school, religious, cemetery, and administrative purposes, to remain reserved as long as needed, and as long as agency, mvmim to mb., school, and religious institutions are maintained thereon for the if ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤i¤¤·¤- beneEt of said Indians. Should any such lands be abandoned said lands so abandoned shall revert to the tribe and become available Pm, ,,,,1 gmt, for allotment or other dis osition, and the said Secretary is hereby ¤¤¤¤=i*¤*°¤¤*°¤°"°d directed to reserve for parl: purp4oses an area not to exceed six hundred and forty acres, embracing ission Canyon in the Little Rockies, and an area not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres within which is the Snake Butte Spring, and an area not to exceed fortv acres at Pmim the head of Big Warm Creek as a site for a sanatorium for the benefit f Fezm patents of said tribes of Indians: Provided, That a (patent in fee simple for not §§,¤;m§m‘L,'°u“°“” exceeding ten acres may be issued to the uly authorized missionary board or other proper authority of any religious organization heretofore engaged in mission or school work on said reservation for such lands thereon (not included in any town site provided for herein) as have heretofore been set apart to such o anization and are now used for mission or school purposes or whilcli any such organization Sm, Pm., cing has heretofore made application to have set apart for such urposesr llc www- Provided, however, That patent having)been heretofore issued) for three hundred and twenty acres to Saint aul’s Catholic Mission, it shall not} be elrlititged to receive more than two and one·h¤lf acres additional , un er t is ct. p»·il>ilil>°·i¤i<i¢i=¤¤i:u¤i¤l°y Sec. 4. That prior to the allotments being made as authorized herein the Secretary of the Interior shall cause an examination to be made by experts of the Geological Survev of all lands of the m,,,,,;,,.m,mm. reservation for thadpurpose of determinin the mineral character W ¤>*°P°’*Y- thereof; but the s 309 of any such lands Emnd to be mineral shall ,,m,m_ be subject to allotment as herein rovided, but such mineral shall m(§¤•lé¤ nw imwicu remain tribal property: _Providcd, 'lgiat such coal as may be required P ’ for use in connecttgon witlighe consggucition and maintenange 3;:;}:; . ion projec ma reserv or t at ose: r ` •¤1i·ii»°éii°r rr N- further, That lands valdable for timber shall remai)§'lgribal property, and any member of the tribes having rights in the said reservation may_cut and take away from such lands such timber as he may ,1.°nmammde_ regurre for fuel, fencing, or for building. nc. 5. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to reserve and set aside for town—site oses not more than eighty acres at the present settlement of Lodlgldrlliole, and not to exceed eighty acres at such other locations as he may deem necessarv, and to lay P,,,,‘,,,,_ out, survey, and plat Said tracts into blocks, lots, streets, alleys, ¤g¤ =·¤<i ¤·=1¤¤¤¤ parks, and school sites: Preceded, That the ai-ea reserved for parks 6 and school sites shall not exceed ten acres in any one town site; and patents be issued for such lands to the municipality legally &¤,,”_m_ charged with the Gare and Custody of the lands hereby set aside f¤1' an s., aa. msi, p. such purposes. _ That such town sites shall be appraised and disposed of as provided in section 2381 of the United States Revised Statutes:
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