1358 SIXTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 135. 1921. under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe and shall constitute a lien algainst the land benefited, remm mr t b gardless of ownership, and including a lands which have heretofore ,,,,3,;,,,,, §';m§Qé‘;,‘;,c€ een sold or patented. All patents or other instrjumentsof convey- ance hereafter issued for lands under any irrigation ·pro]ect on_the said Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, whether to individual Indians og to purchaseis of Indian land, shall recite (p lieql for repaiyment of t e irrigation c arges, if any remaining unpai at the time 0 issuance of such patent or other instrument of conveyance, and such lien may Purchasers beuw be enforced or, uézgn payment of the delinquent charges, may be mg Indian mr of released by the retary of the Interior. In the case of lands "°°°' °°¤“*’°"· rmder any project purchased in the bona fide belief on the part of the purchaser that y hrspurchase he acquired a right to have water from the project for the irrigation of the land peurchased by hrm in the same manner as the Indian owner, the cretary may, after nlptice to ghehlndiani intqrestedil deitedrpiine tlée value oi the larid at . tetimeotepurcaseromte n`an,an givetote urcaser CNM °u°'°d’ or assigns crpdikt oéiléhe chaiige for construction a(gain3ii)t1he hand to the amount 0 the erence etween the rice ai an the va ue as so determined, and shall withhold for the llenefit of the tribe from the Indian or Indians of whom the purchase was made, an equal amount from any funek which may be due or distributable to them i‘1$§°£$$§e10,l)§}‘¥1?2"s3*r‘¥2$,*?'J}°t§“‘i‘ SSI-Ed m“’1¤b“1f ?““’°d’ “°**3‘ . ce en orun a uesare ai: ,.,.,*§‘*;‘tE.‘°J.$:..*;;'»i;'.‘:.;"; Promkled, rim no 1-ight to water or to the use ir my in-aganrm lima "*°’“ "“‘°“·°°°· or other structure on said reservation shall vest until the owner of the land to be rrrtgated shall_comply with such rules and regulations as the Secretary _ the Interior may prescribe, and he is hereby authorized to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be deemed No pa mt mm reasonable and propplr for making eHective the foregoing provisions: wm: asiillma. Provided, however, _ at rn no case shall any allottee be required to pay either construction, operation, or mamtenance charges for such ignlgatlrpér ginhrgsilegles, or any of them, until water has been actually e ve o a otmen . I$gi°gfp»°3i mx Nothing in this Act shall be construed to de rive an of said Indians §€"°‘“°’“° P“'°°°°“- of the Fort Belkna Reservation of the use ofp water ailpropriated and U used by them for dbmestic purposes or for the necessa irrivation of it · 1 d 1 a 1 · · ry ° tfeir an s, or an s c aimed and occupied or used by them, or any ummm of pm itches, darnskilumes, or reseryoirs constructed and used by them in nga:. the appropriation and use of said water. No Indian shall acquire any priority 0 _ right to any of the waters of said reservation as against any plther trédrgg by pmqzrgtyhof apprppnatiqnrtto an extent greater than 0 ewa r cessary_ e aiono o yacres.
eg°°i•€°°d€ Every person entitled tcinaliotment on the Fort Belknap Indian
‘ tterzyervatron shall bqfprq paitent igriéfubed ate as a hcmesteacg o acresorrrrgaeanort un adtent eso norurngable land, already allotted or to be allottelil heiiermderiicivhich Mmmm M m,_ homestead shall reuram inalienable during the lifetime of the allottce nm. or the mmorrty of hrs or her heirs. Designations for minors shall be made pg their natural and in the event that any Indian shall f to_ make such esrgnatrou the Secretary of the Interior shall select for him a homestead, and all patents for such homestead shall mum, mm G, recite that they are such: _ _ I mw www- Any and all minerals, rneluding oil, gas, and lands chiefly valuable for the development of water power, granted or to be allotted hereunder are set aside as tgrsbal property and such land may leased or rmmng permits gran upon the request of the tribal council under hm such rules, regulatrcnsi and condmonsss the Secretary of the Interior · may pmmbe, but no ease shall be made for a longer period than ten years, but lessees shall have the right to renewal thereof for a. urther perrod of ten years upon such terms and conditions as th•