SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C1-1. 135. 1921. 1357 Promkled furt7zer, That any person who, at the date when the ,,e;`,Q;§{§}‘°° °° **°*“’“ appraisers commence their work upon the land, shall be an actual resident upon any one such lot and the owner of substantial and permanent improvements thereon, and who shall maintain his or er residence and improvements on such lot to the date of his or her application to enter, shall be entitled to enter, at any time prior to t e day Hxed for the public sale and at the aplpraised value thereof, such lot and any two additional lots of which e or she may also be in possession and upon which he or she may have substantial and Pm, required of permanent improvements: And providedfurt er, That before making cwwsmp, ac. entry of any such lot or lots the applicant shall make proof, to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the land district in which the land lies, of such residence, possession, and ownership of improvements, under such regulations as to time, notice manner, and character of proofs as may be prescribed by the (lommissioner of the General and Office, with the a proval of the Secretary of the Appmiwonm m Interior: Amd provided furtfuzr, That in making their appraisal of ’ ` the lots so surveyed, it shall be the duty of the appraisers to ascertain the names of the residents upon and occupants of any such lots, the character and extent of the improvements thereon, and the name of the reputed owner thereof, and to report their findings in connection with their report of appraisal, which report of Endings shall be taken as prima facie evidence of the facts therein set out. All such Sm M lots not so entered prior to the day fixed for the public sale shall be ` offered at public auction, in their regular order, with the other unimprovedp and unoccupied lots. That no lot shall be sold for less Sm, ,,,,°,S_ than $10: And pr0#vwZded_further, That said lots, when siuveyed, shall ap roximate fifty by one hundred and fifty feet in size. APp,0p,.,,m,m ,0,, gmc. 6. That the construction of projipcts for the irrigation of the pml;¤1gmtp·mwn¤¤¤ irrigable lands shall be undertaken as the needs of the ndians shall mv g° ' require, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, and there is hereby a propriated the sum of $50,000 for preliminary investighations andp surveys to determine the needs of the Indians and for the commencement of such work as may be advisable at this time: p,,,,,;,.,,_ Provided, That the cost of all such projects on this reservation, in- “§,'§,_gf,,},‘g§{°,§,{;,gfg cluding the Milk River irrigation project, shall_be assessed against the lands. lands irrigable under the respective projects in the proportion that each acre of irrigable lands bears to the whole area of irrigable land _,mm_, p_ymc,_,,, under each project, and such assessments shall be reimbursed to the wr rcimbursnc United States and to the tribal fund in such proportion as contributions shall have been made therefrom in not less than twenty annual payments under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, who mav fix such operation and maintenance charges which_shall be paid as he may direct: Pnwided, mraymeqt f¤f;°mMiLk further, That the provisions of the Act of April 4, 1910 (Thjr'tg».sixth ,,,,,‘§§§,*§,§‘,§§°§;;$,,,d_‘ Statutes at Large, page 277), requiring reimbursement of e cost "°*·°°»¤· · of the Milk River project from_I11dian unds, and any other Acts or mums . B, u_ parts thereof in conflict with this proviso, is hereby repealed. Unless isms: iuhgigdusi otherwise paid, these latter charges may be paid from or made a “*"°‘ ch e upon his individual share 0 the tribal fund, when said fund _1s Unpaid chargg 8 avidgible for distribution; and if any allottee shall receive patent m 1**** °¤**“°¤¤°¤*· fee to his allotment before the amount so charged against his land has been paid, such unpaid amount shall become and a lien upon his allotment, of which a record shall be kept in the office of the su erintendent of the reservation at the agency; and should any Indian' sell any part of his allotment, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, the amount of such unpaid ciiarges against the land so sold shall remain a Erst lien thereon, and may be enforced by the Imaam, ,mm,,_ Secretary of the Interior by foreclosure as a mortgage. _ All expendi- mg mipipézgmn an tures for irrigation work on the Fort Reservation, Montana, ‘ heretofore or hereafter made. are hereby dec ered to be reimbursable
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1377