srxrr-srxrrr oosennss. sm. 11. css. 76, 77. rezc. 435 the Selective Service Act, shall have refused to render such service or to wear the uniform of such service of the United States, Regumm etc to Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized bemacs. " to make any and all regulations necessary to carry into full force and effect the provisions hereof. Approved, February 14, 1920. CHAP. 77.-—An Act To authorize the incorporated town of Wrangell, Alaska, to FEi}i1ri1iii?1b.i4bSi?0` issue bonds for theponstruction, enlargement, and equipment of schools, the acquisi— tion and constructronpf a water-sugp y system, the construction of a sewer system, the construction of a city dock and oating dock, and to levy and collect a special tax therefor. Be it enacted by the Senate and House %1Representat·i·ves of the United Wrgngguy A1,,sk,,_ States of America in Congress assembled, at the incorporated town of pulggg tgggoggggg Wrangell, Alaska, is hereby authorized and empowered to issue its ` bonds in an sum, not exceeding $80,000, for the purpose of enlarging its public schoolhouse and constructing and equipping public schools, for the acquisition and construction of a water—supply system, for the construction of a sewer system, and for the construction of a city dock and also a floating dock. S ie, eleetm to Sec. 2. That before said bonds shall be issued a special election suthiicriee shall be ordered by the common council of the town of Wrangell, at which election the question of whether such bonds shall be issued shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said town of Wrangell. Notice of an such election shall be given by publication thereof once a week for fiblur (:i)]3S(i§7]`ll1g]llV?i wegksfprior tri such lelection in 3 newsa er rinte an u e an o genera circu ation in said town. P 3. That thepregistration for such election, the manner of con- C°°d°°t °f °l°°“°°' ducting the same, and the canvass of the returns of said election shall be, as nearly as practicable, in accordance with the requirements of law in general or epecial elections in said municipality, and said bonds shall be issue only upon the condition that a majorit of the votpsbcaelt at such election m said town shall be in favor ofy issuing sai on s. Sec. 4. That the bonds above specified, when authorized to be .dl`°”°°° °°°°’ °°l°’ issued as hereinbefore provided, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6 per centum per annum, payable annually, and shall be sold for not less than their par value, with accrued interest, and shall be in denominations not exceeding $1,000 each, the principal to be due in twenty years from the date thereof: Provided, however, That the §’eg°e‘;’·;,,m_ common council of the town of Wrangell may reserve the right to pay og said bonds in therripumemcatgorder attlée r;t(eve§e§10,00(;L or ess thereo er annum a any rn res emo : r , art er, _ That on all bgnds paid off the firstlyear aftgr date there shall be (paid miiiiguum md my a premium of 2} per centum, besr es interest, on all bonds pai off the second year a premium of 2 per eentum, besides interest, on all bonds paid off the third year a fpremium of 1} per centum, besides interest, and on all bonds paid o the fourth year a premium of 1 per _ _ centum besides interest. Prmcipal and interest shall be paid in ,,,1:;°§,?§';§R!pm°w lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the town treasurer of the town of Wrangeh, Alaska, or at such other pérace as may be designated by the common council of said town of ran ell, the place o payment to be mentioned in said bonds: And Sieuetmee eee See, provid ed further, That each and every bond shall have the written requiredsignature of the mayor and clerk of said town of Wrangell and also bear the seal of said town. me e, mee ,e_ Sec. 5. That no part of the funds arising from the sale of said bonds srggesde be ds shall be used for any other purpose than that specified in this Ac§· ° n ` Said bonds shall be sold only in such amounts as the common council
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