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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/457

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436 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 77, 80, 82, 83. 1920. shall direct, and the proceeds thereof shall be disbursed for the purposes herein mentioned and under the order and direction of said common council from time to time as the same may be requ1red for Pm “}‘idf“’*’i’ °S% P "‘Z¤”‘”1l""dfh$f.i'i°¥. “’ °x°°°é’ $1?’°°?h2f ‘h§.%’§?,d" °°:g?tmm of pm gnldrgersfegtoasdlequiglment of Eulilitdlbpclibolsg nlilt to ex(;(eed_$25,0(l1(l thereof shall be expended for the acquisition and construction of a water—supply system; not to exceed $15,000 thereof shall be expended ereo a ene r ecnsruc on ac1 0 ·a no fif °h‘2§§”i*§`.?°“°° ‘3i 3€If“ifi’f Sl?‘“’€“’ tm E? '°"e°’§°°§? $$3’°°(2 to exceedi $Ef;0O(l§£ereof shall be expended for the construction of a floating oc . _ gpscssn tax sums- Sec. 6. That said town of Wran ell is hereby authorized annually " ‘°' ”°"‘“‘ b°“°"' to assess, levy, and collect a speciai tier, notlto elxceed 2 pier centum of the assessed valuation upon a e rea an persona property situated in said town, and to enforce the collection of the same as other taxes, to provide for the payment of said bonds; such tax, if levied) ang collected, shall be usedfexcguslfvely for such p1u·pose, and may e a ministered as a smking un there or. Approved, February 17, 1920. Ffgiliirysii CHAP. 80.—Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War in his discretion to

 tum over to the State of Kansas, emergency hospital equipment to be used temporarily

in emergency hospitals to be established in that State, and for other purposes. Resolved by_tl2e_Senate and House of Representatives of the United

 km of States ofrlmenoa an 0'ongress assemible _, That the Secretary of War be,

Army Iliospital sqsas and he IS hereby, authorized m discretion, and imder such rules ‘“°“ "* and regulations as he may prescribe, to place at the disposal of the Governor of for temporary use such emergency hospital equipment as is not needed y the Government and as may be required_to meet the needs of emergency hospitals 111 the State of

 in their efforts to check the present influenza epidemic m

a ate. Approved, February 18, 1920. F°b?§,?%}?j]mm` CHAP. 82:·—4`l1 Act Authorizing Gordon N. Peay, junior, his heirs and , to

 pionstruct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the hits

1VBI'• _ Y ‘ Be it by the Senate and House zqétepresentativeslzgfthe United §01;§§nn§·e;é3v Jr. States_ofAme·rwa in Congress assembled, at Gordon N. eay, jumor, my bridge; ps; im; l11Sl1BU'§ and 8SSlgI1S, be, &¤d_they are hereby, authorized to construct, Mk- mamtalip, and sperate a andl approaches thereto across the White iver a_ a point sm a e to the mterests of navigation within or near the limits of the town of Des Arc, in the county of Prairie, in cssstssues. the_ State of Arkansas, m accordance with the provisions of the Act ‘°'-“·P·8*- entitled "An Act to regulate the construction 0 bridges over navigable waters," approve March 23, 1906. Amssamsst. Sec. 2. That eright to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 19, 1920. F°;’§`?a§i' CHA?. 83.TAn Act To authorize the Commissioner of Navigation to change the

names o vesse s.

- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentativ th U `ted icl;$is°i§éas¤srsf1ssv- States of America in Congress assembled, Tiiit the Odiiigissiong of ,;‘§,,§§§,,,F*“ ° “““° Navigation shall, under t o direction of the Secretary of Commerce,