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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/459

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438 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1920. lachian Forest Act, approved March 1, 1911 (Thirty-sixth Statutes, page 961) and those in national parks, and in lands withdrawn or reserved for or naval uses or purposes, except as hereinafter_§r<&vh;led&§shag e subject to disposlitiopy in theéorm and manner provide y ct to citizens o the United States, or to any i Cé>§1.S¤¢·=·»¢<> ¤¤¤¤i¤- association of such persons, or to any cogporation organized under °;,m;,__],_, the laws of the United States or of any tate or Territory thereof, Helium. production and in the case of coal, oil, oil shale, or gas, to municipalities: Pro- '“°"'°°‘ vided, That the United States reserves the right to extract helium from aéll gsi; prohduced from lancgstpgrrrkitted, lgased, pp ptlherwiss grante un er e provisions o ct, un er suc es an regulations as shall be prescribed b the Secre of the Interior: ,,,§p;_°° **°'°Y 8** dt Provided {archer, That in the extractgm of heliumtufiiom gas p)roduced from suc lands, it shall be so extracted as to cause no su stantial delay in the delivery of gas pgroduced from the well to the pmchaser sufggtfwmmww thereof: And provided fart , That citizens of another country, the laws, customs, or regulations·of which, deny similar or like privileges to citizens or corporations of this country, shall not by stock oiivgnershrp, stock hcgdrrhgi or stock conhroéhpvkn any interest m any ase acqnured un er e provisions o ct. caannnas. con,. , ?‘· “**° sm. 2. riatrse sammy or are interior is mimi-aca ia, ma upon the petition of any qualified ap hcant shall, divide any of the coal lands or the deposits of coal? classified and unclassified, gsgngexggded- owned by the United States, outside of the Territory of Alaska, ‘ P' ‘ into leasing tracts of forty acres each, or multiples thereof, and in such iorégr as, ip the oprmapln of the of the gnterior, ermr e mos economic mming 0 e co m suc tr·acts, ut OE to mm d no case exceeding two thousand five hundred and sixty acres appugguw ,°,i,¤,,,fg_ in any_one_leasing tract, and thereafter the Secretary of the nterror shall, in his discretion, upon_ the request of any qualified applicant or on his own rrrotron, from time to time, offer such lands or deposits Prom. of coal for leasmg, and shall award leases thereon by competitive mgm ts present hrdding or by such other methods as he ma b general regula- °’°“”“"·’· tions adopt, to any iualrfied ap licant: Provided; Tliat the Secretary is hereby authorize , in awarding leases for coal lands heretofore improved and occupied or claimed in good faith, to consider and recognize equitable rights of such occupants or claimants: Prormkled { pwsymoig (pehn;1‘§tsfuNh0T, That where prospecting or exploratory work is necessary °’“¤ °"°°P° ’· to determme the existence or W01`k8b` ty of coal de °ts in any unclarntigd, urlhdevoéopedaugreg, th; Setcggtaiy of the giillerior may issue, ap can qu e un er ct, prospecting permits L°“° °“ ‘“’°°""· for a term of two years, for not exceedin two thousand five hundred and sixty acres; and if within said period of two years thereafter the permrttee shows_ to the Secretary that the land contains coal m gonhnéjgrazmh ?ua.;1]|i1t1es, thie peipmifsteol shallll be entitle; to a lease Pubuc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nm er c or or ar o e an in ispermit: ndprovekled given. further, That no lease of coal under this Act shall be a roved or issued until after notice of the proposed lease, or offeringlior lease, has been given for thirty days in a newspaper of general circulation Limitation (mma :hH;h@'_cot1}1lntyT11h which the lands or deposits are situated: And pm- ,,,mumas_ u er, a no com an or co oration 0 ra a comme carrier railroad shall be gilifenyor hold)a permitpgr liilisge under thld provisions of this Act for any coal deposits except for its own use _or ra1lroad_purposes; and such limitations of use shall be expressed m (pll permits and leases issued to suolhdoompanies or corporations, an no suc company or co oration s receive or hold m one permit or lease for eacliptwo hundred miles of its raihfdlaeilthiild withm the State in which said property is situated, exclusive of