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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/460

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1920. 439 spurs or switches and exclusive of branch lines built to connect the leased coal with the railroad, and also exclusive of parts of the railroad operated mainly by liglwer produced otherwise than by _ steam: And ovidcd {urther, at nothing herein shall preclude Sh°"1m° '°°°" such a raihoad"1 of less t an two hundred miles in length from securing and holdiiigl one permit or lease hereunder. Addition, com _ Sec. 3. at any person, association, or corporation holding a as imag snowed aililease of coal lands or coal deposits under this Act may, with the S°"S‘ a proval of the Secretary of the Interior, upon a finding bg him tlliat it will be for the advantage of the lessee and the United tates, secure modifications of his or its original lease lg including additional coal lands or coal deposits contiguous to ose embraced in Limit such lease, but in no event shall the total area embraced in such modified lease exceed in the aggregate two thousand five hundred and Sixty acres- . Aaamomi mmm Sec. 4. That upon satisfactory showing by any lessee to the Secre- estimate trespass. tary of the Interior that all of the workable deposits of coal within a tract covered b his or its lease will be exhausted, worked out, or removed within three years thereafter, the Secretaigr of the Interior may, within his discretion, lease to such lessee an a ditional tract of land or coal deposits, which, includipg the coal area remaining in the umu t existing lease, shall not exceed two ousand five hundred and sixty '° °` acres, through the same procedure and under the same conditions as in case of an original lease. _ Commmm r_ Sec. 5. That if, m the judgnent of the Secretary of the Interior, mimaiematiues? the public interest will be su served thereby, lessees holdirrgupnder lease areas not exceeding the maximum permitted under Act may consolidate their leases through the surrender of the original leases and the inclusion of such areas in a new lease of not to exceed two thousand five hundred and sixty acres of contiguous lands. O ti I Sec. 6. That where coal or phosp ate lands aggregating two thou- e¤mIi°glit¤Z° c°l>a1°°§i sand five hundred and sixty acres and subject to lease hereunder do P"°“p“‘°*'“°‘s· not exist as contiguous areas, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized, if, in his opinion the interests of the public and of the lessee will be thereby subserved, to embrace in a single lease noncontiguous tracts which can be plperated as a single mine or unit. ,,,,5.,],,,, ,,,,,,,0 S1-zo. 7. That for e privilegle of mining or extractin the coal in M ~n¤¢1¤¢<1l:`¤•¤¤¤¤- the lands covered by the ease the lessee shall pay to the llnited States such royalties as mail be specified in the lease, which shall be fixed in advance of offering e same, and which shall not be less than 5 cents per ton of two thousand pounds, due and payable at the end of each third month succeeding that of the extraction of the coal from the A`¤¤ua1r€¤mlmine, and an annual rental, payable at the date of such lease and annually thereafter, on the lands or coal deposits covered by such lease, at such rate as may be fixed bl)- the Secret of the Interior prior to offering the same, which sha not be lessalgan 25 cents per acre for the first year thereafter, not less than 50 cents per acre for the second, third, fourth, and fifth years, respectivel , and not less than $1 per acre for each and every year thereafter the con- Cmdiwdagaimmy. tinuance of the lease, except that such rental for any year shall be ¤¤¤¤¤- credited against the royalties as they accrue for that year. Leases Period mmm, shall be for indeterminate periods upon condition of diligent develop- ma. _ ment and continued operation of the mine or mines, except when c°°dm°m` such operation shall be interrupted by strikes, the elements, or casualties not attributable to the lessee, and upon the further condition that at the end of each twenty-year eriod succeeding the date of the t I lease such readjustment of terms and conditions ma be made as the m-Ii¤?dj°s°m°° ° Secretary of the Interior may determine, unlem officrwise provided P,,,,_,,,,_ b law at the time of the expiration of such eriods: Pr ed, That ·M¤¤;g·;¤ ,;¤KH¤¤¤¢; tlile Secretary of the Interior may, if in his judgment the public inter- Kiaygrutus opmiini.