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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/777

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756 SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 224. 1920. C°mP°““i°¤- incompetents, said commission to be constituted as follows: 'lwo of said commissioners shall be enrolled members of the Crow Indian Tribe and shall be selected by a majority vote of three delegates from each of the districts on the Crow Reservation; and one commissioner shall be a representative of the Department of the Interior, D°u°°’ m' to be selected b the Secretary of the Interior. Said commission shall be governed, by regulations pfescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and the classification of the members of the tribe hereunder shall be subject to his approval. That within thirty days after their a pointment said commissioners shall meet at some pomt within the (gow Indian Reservation and orglanize by the election of one of their number as chairman. That said commissioners shall then proceed S*·`l”Y °¤d°’¤°¤¤°¤· personally to classify the members as above indicated. They shall e paid a salary of not to exceed $10 per day each, and necessary expenses while actually employed in the work of makin%this classification, exclusive of subsistence, to be approved by the ecretary of pho Inlterilpr, suph classifiicatilcin to be_ completed within six months rom the ate o organizing the commission. §‘§,'g,°*,f,_°§$iS ,0,_ Sec. 13. That every member of the Crow 'l‘ribe shall designate as a homestead six hundred and forty acres, already allotted or to be allotted hereunder, which homestead shall remain inalienable for a Pr _ period of twentydive years from the date of issuance of patent there- ·,q,{2°§,Y’,;,, of ms; or, or until the death of the allottee: Provided, That the trust period P°“°"· on such homestead allotments of incompetent Indians may be Sm of GMM, W extended in accordance with thelprovisions of existing law: Provzkkd memes. further, That any Crow Indian ottee ma sell not to exceed three hundred and twenty acres of his homestead, upon his application in writing and with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, under R6Smctim_ such rules and riegzglations as he msg prescribe: Arid provided further, That said land to _ sold by said In `an allottee shall not exceed more than one-half of his irnga le nor more than one—half of his agriculaural land and shall not include the improvements consisting of his ome. m§,§§h§,“,‘§§,$“§§_“"°“ Sec. 14. That exchanges of allotments by and among the members of the may be ma e under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior wit a view to enabling allottees to group their allotted lands on the Crow Reservation, but always with due regard for the value of the lands involved. And in cases where patents have already been issued for such allotments proper conveyance shall be made back to the _United States by the allottee, whereupon the land shall become subject to disposition in the same manner as other lands Smommmmmo under the provisions of this Act. soiipymfd gg., srirving Sec._ 15. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, “‘ °' ‘*‘* ° °‘ author1zed_to sell allotted and inherited Indian land held in trust by the United States on the Crow Reservation, Montana, with the consent of the Indian allottee or the heirs, respectively, to any soldier seaman, or marine who served under the President of the United, States for mnety days during the late war agginst the Imperial Mm, mmmmh German Gpvemment, or in any war in which the sited States was em., required. engaged with a foreign power, or in the Civil War, who will actually settle on said land, on annual payments covering a period not to exceed twenty years, as may be agreed upon under such rules, regulations, and conditions as the said Secretary of the Interior may mmm prescribe and m accordance with the provisions of this Act. grgfvgggg sections Sec. 16. That there is hereby granted to the State of Montana for ‘ common-school purposes sections sixteen and thirty-six, within the territory described erem, or such parts of said sections as may be Lim was M amp nonnnneral or_nont1mbered, and for which the said State has not mma. heretofore received mdemnity lands under existi laws; and in case either of said sections or parts thereof is lost to rigs State by reason of allotment or otherwise, the governor of said State, with the