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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/778

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 224, 225. 1920. 757 approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized to select other unoccupied, unreserved, nonmineral, nontimbered lands within said reservation, not exceeding two sections in an one township. The United States shall pay the Indians for tile lands so rm,,,,,,,,,,u,,,,,,,,_ granted $5 per acre, and sufficient money is hereby appropriated out of the 'I`reasury of the United States not otherwise a propriated to _ pay for said school lands granted to the said State: gromded, That §',,,"'{,",§,’· ,1,,,,,, ,,_ the mineral rig)l;ts in said school lands are hereby reserved for the Sermyenziit olihtheth ogr'I‘r1bI:dof In<g1i1la.£1sBas authorized: Pmimkled Mmm mmm urt er, at e ow `an c n ermitted to attend u U, °“° the pbiéblic schools (if saig gtate on the same condition as the children P P 0 w te citizens 0 said tate. . Sec. 17. That the Secretary of the Interior (with the approval of izgsxiviiigts sunmthe Crow Tribal Council) is authorized to set aside for admmistrative md I"' P“b“° "S°“ °‘· purposes (at the Crow Agency and at Pryor subagency)_ such tracts or town—s1te purposes as m his opmion may be required _·for the public mterests, not to exceed eighty acres at each town site, and e may cause the same to be surveyed mto lots and blocks and disposed of under such regulations as he may prescribe; and he is authorized also to set apart and reserve for sc ool, park, and other public pourposes not more than ten acres in said town sites; and patents shall (fssigld for the lang: st; set apart aalgid reservled forlisschooli pgrlk, an o er urposes e munici or sc oo trict charged with the care and custody ofllandls donated for such p ogsesjl PWM Provided however, That the present plark at Crow Agency slilxl) not Adgmef pm ex. be included in such town site or be su ject to such disposition. The °"i»,‘T,‘§;,,,d, to ,,,,,3, purchase price of all town lots sold in town sites shall be paid at ·=*¤d¤¢· such time as the Secretary of the Interior may direct and placed to the credit oriqgthe grow Tril;e$of Indians. h th f b Appropriation { nc. 8. at e sum o 10,000, or so muc ereo as ma e cogncil e,,P.,,,S.,s_ egg necessary,_of the tribal ftmds of the Crow Indians of the Stag; of "°m"“’ ‘“¤°—*· Montana, is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of the general §?r`§£I‘i."af‘L‘£.i3°2I-E‘§LlS;¤‘Jfudi“S"%]‘3.? a2‘€r‘i“¥.‘i““3°’ mmm ’°°k‘“g “*“" “`3 ·=~·=··=*··-~· We- , an I1 O HSGS 811 lngtou. the per diems p)a.icl its legligative committee when vis§i:g Washipigton on tribal usiptgss ap tgp request oi;he Commgssgpner of Ipdia:11 airs or a commi e 0 ss, sa1 sum an the actua an necessaiiy expenses to be apprdigd by and certified by the Secreta of the nterior, and when so approved and certified to be paid; Pmmlded, That not to exceed $2,500 shall be expended in any one ' fiscal year. Approved, June 4, 1920. CHAP. 225.-—An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to isue a patent i2i'1i>%i3} to John Zimmerman for certain lands in the Colorado National Forest upon the Bur-

zi other lands of an equal acreage also located in the Colorado National Forest,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esenmtives 0 the United , . States of America in Oemgress assembled, 'fhyit the Secreliary of the p°°'°"°é1&.,, °‘““°“"1 Interior is hereby authorized to issue a patent to John Zimmerman ‘§,,,§’,;’g,§ for the following-deSc1‘ib6d lands: The north half of the southwest mu- , _ quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-two; the SOI1tl1 D°°°npn°m' half of htrhe spgithezét quarter ofhthe southeast qparter of septipln t _, -t ee, wns mne nort , ran e sevent — our west o the sixth principal meridisin; and the nortl1%1alf of thye north half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section four, township eight north, range seventy-four west of the sixth princi al meridian, upon the transfer by the said John Zimmerman to the United States o the followmg·described lands: The northeast quarter of the north-