758 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Crrs. 225, 226. 1920. east quarter, and the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, of section thirty-one, township nine g’;;¢3¤·mmds mm north, range seventy-four west of the sixth principal meridian: Proed to sallam: rmt. vided, That upon the reconveylance of the surrendered lands they will become part of the Colorado ational Forest, Colorado. Approved, June 4, 1920. {f{'§f’é,%°g9j CHAP. 226.-—An Act Regulating the disposition of lands formerly embraced in
tclgngggts to the Oregon and alifornia Railroad Company and Coos Bay Wagon Road
Y. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢£dRepl1;esentatives 06 the (1;ubuc1=>¤¤€h_f _ United States ry America rm. Congress assemb , at in the ° -· R,,,f$§‘,,{,d c,,f,,°'§§§ istration of the Act approved dune 9, 1916 (Thirtgminth Statutes at §’tg§j=¤ BM *¤¤¤¤· Large, page 218), revesting title in the United tates to the lands ygpegigcirgk formerly granted to the Oregon and Cahforma Railroad Company gw _.,; smb., 0,. remarmng unsold July 1, 1913, and the Act approved February 26 fi&'ggf=*°°°°¤*°'•°°°° 1919 (Fortreth Statutes at Large, pgs 1179), authorizing the United States to accept from the Sout em re on Compan a reconveyance of the lands granted to the State of Oregon by the Act a proved March 3, 1869, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to sell the timber on lands classified and withdrawn as gvrer-s1t:)lan3s,th1n suc}; mgnner lancés at lsucllid tiimes as lip ngw au orrzed se etrmer roman cass'e astimerans: §’,,,"'€§,,',‘;;c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ Promklgd, That if a valid claim for a preferred right of homestead ¤sg1;l¤=§9 P M entry, rn accordance with the terms of section 5 of said Act of June 9, v¤1Z4o§ piujl. 19_16, or a preference right of purchase or entry under section 3 of said Act of _ ebruary 26, 1919, is shown to exist for lands thus classifiedfam; Evrthegrawn, rt may be exercised therefor, as provided in sec ron ereo . °°‘“*‘°”"°“°“ ‘°' Sec. 2. That the lands embraced in homestead entries or sales overflow damagw, etc. _ _ _ authorized by the proviso to section 1 hereof shall be subject to disposition as water—power sites upon the compensation of the owner of the land for actual damages sustained by the loss of his improvements thereon, through the use of the land or water-power purposes, such damages to be ascertained and awarded under the direction of pho of the gntelntogé the rights reserved rmder this sec- 1ons a eexpressys a rn e atent. R§g$°m§§{wg;a¥°¤ Sec. 3. That the éirovisions of thelhct of Congress approved May w§§ch¤§1§Seo£) éygnerig 31, 1918 (Fortieth tatutes at Large, {page 593), "To authorize the ozxgutrlimzea. Secretary of the Interior to exchange or ands in private ownership °*· "°·P~ 5**- lands formerly embraced rn the grant, to the Oregon and California Rszrlrplag (gonipanlyflis as amendeedin swioip 4 og téiis Act, séiall Ee ex en e o e an reconvey to e United States un er the lA;I'fI1Sd(;f sail A21 oé1Febr·ua1yHi6, 1919, and ggthorgze the exchange _ o an em rac _ erem, m e manner an or the same u ose.
- f.‘;*§ "`{gj*'°g; 59,, Sec. 4. That said Act of May 31, 1918, is hereby so amendedrgs to
amended. requu·e_the apphcantfor exchangp to pay a tiling fee of $1 each to the register and receiver for eac one hundred and sixty acres or frplcgpn thereof ofliplhe pulbhcmlfat1;dst;m(§>rar:1ed in proposed selections, w e er now pen or er r n ere . p,gQf§;,,,f”°·· *° ”° Sec. 5. That the gccretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to perform any and all acts and to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into full orce and eiect. Approved, June 4, 1920.