760 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 227. 1920. ugf" “°”°*’*"“‘ "Sec. 3a. Tim INITIAL oneanrznrou or ma Nxrrouan Guaao ON¤¢i¤¤¤1}$¤¤r¤¤¤<1 Am: me Onoamzm Rnsnnvns.—·In the reorganization of the iiil;`3iv;S$iX$8`¤x National Guard and in the initial organization of the Organized W°'*d“'°‘“‘”“”·°‘°· Reserves, the names, numbers and other designations, ilags, and records of the divisions and subordinate units thereof that served in toiggtiel ¢s¤¤¤¤ 3;:; the World War between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 19l8, shall mmegeromaaissa. be preserved as such as far as vpracticable. Subject to revision and approval by the Secretary of ar, the plans and regulations under which the orghanization and territorial distribution of the Natirllngl (guard and e Resliirvesdlshall be ;11tia};le,v?rhallDbe prep acommitteeote ranc or 'visiono e ar e- . partment general Staff hereinafter provided for, which is charged with the preparation of plans for the national defense and for the b£:L¤v¤¤i¢i¤¤ ¤f mobilization of the land forces of the United States. For the purpose if uh? °”.iE *"id °‘i'i".».“iE§2§ i]‘;fg Bt °°3“"°“°d Ei “‘°“£b°”f°f md ran or visiono e e t an anequ num ero reserve Bm to G oHitc1ersNinol1;1<i}lingreserveé>ffi,ce1s who hcgl-il or Biggs held commisgolns ,0m,m md dam in e atio uard. u ject to n r ations approv y ¤¤¤·>¤¤¤f¢- %etSe¢;rletéry of Wgr, fthtg logaligon étgdlzdesignationtigflunits of the aion uardan o e amz eservesen eycomrised Ummm within the limits of ang State or Territory shall be determined) by a board, a majprity of w om shall be reserve oficers including reserve officers who old or have held commissions in the Nyational Guard and recommgdnded for this duty by the governor of the State or Territory concern " v¤i.ae,p.1s·1. Sec. 4. That section 4 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, glmendfd by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu ereo : gfgx 0, the mm "Sec. 4. OFFICEBS.*()m0El'S commissioned to and holding in the C mls ml Sm Army the office of a general officer shall hereafter be known as general '°°° ° ° officers of the line. Officers commissioned to and holdinguin the Army an office other than that of general omcer, but to w `ch the rank of a sgeneral officer IS attached, shall be known as general officers (.i°$$f"}lIaz. of the st . There shall be one general, as now authorized bylaw, Otmomcm until a vacancy occurs m that office, after which it shall cease to Number waiema. exist. On and after_July_ 1, l920, there shall be twentg-one major geréerals tand_forty-gx llgrigadiir gg.1(_;•(1ials of the léneg vg hundred an nme y·mne co ne ; six un an seven - our ieutenant colonels; two thousand two hundred and forty-like majors; four thousand four hundred and ninety captains; four thousand two hundred and sixty-six first heutenants; two thousand six hundred and chrgrgjig muggmuemi iidmggygogr second lieutegaziltg; and als}? the number of ggiicgrs of the tary Smékaper. e c ep en an p , er ter rovi or rofessors as now authorized bialaw, and the presgnt military sti)>re— keeper, wléo tshlgall herbezaftelii ve the ralrigi plegu and aillowancéeg of major; an num rs erem rescri s not e exce ed: fizqgiswhcmls Provided, That ma or generalaofpthe line shall be appointed from a¤’gaqi’i$r Elena officers of the giiede o bngadicr general of the line, and brigadier “°“‘ °"g‘*"° ‘ ‘· generals of the e shall be appointed from officers of the grade of colongl of lthe hg: wihoge nigga; are bogne on analeligible listfprepared annu y ya ar o no than ve ener officerso the line, xmas mi am use. not below the grade of majgr general: lgrovided further, That the first board convened after t passage of this Act may place upon such el1g1ble_l1st ag officer of the line of not less than twenty-two yea1s’ commission service. _ra·m;¤e¤z commis· "Officers of all grades in the Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artille , §ggj·c,_;§_ °°"€¤°’°°" Coast Artillery Corps, Corps of Engineers, and Medical De artrnehii; ofiicers above the grade of ca tain in the S` al Corps, Judge Advocate General’s Department, (§uarterinaster]€d1jps, Ordnance Department and Chemical Warfare Service, all cha lams and professors, and the military storekeeper shall be permanently commissioned in their
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