SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 227. 1920. 761 respective branches. All officers of the General Staff Corps, Inspector ,ng§.·“ “°"‘““‘“` General’s Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs and Militia Bureau Bs? detailshall be obtained by detail from officers of corresponding grades in other branches. Other officers may be either detailed, or with their mEit1¤;rd¤t¤i1 <>r PM- ovm consent, be (permanently commissioned, in the branches to which me ' they are ass` e for duty. Y "Sec. 4a.1%AnnANr OFFICERS.—IIl addition to those authorized l_‘,§*,§§§'gf,§§li°°”‘ for the Army Mine Planter Service, there shall be not more than one thousand one hundred and twenty warrant officers, including band Smicm. .,3,,,, leaders, who shall hereafter be warrant officers. Appointments shall lm y' be made by the Secretary of War from among noncommissioned officers who have had at least ten’ enlisted service; enlisted men who served as officers of the Army at some time between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, and whose total service in the Army, enlisted and commissioned, amounts to five ears; persons serving or who have served as Army field clerks or field? clerks, Quartermaster Corps; and, in the case of those who are to be assigned to duty as band leaders, from among persons who served as Army band leaders at some time between pril 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, or No Amy or Quab enlisted men possessing suitable cpualifications. Hereafter no appomt- termaster new clerks ments as Argiy field c erks or fie d clerks, Quartermaster Corps, shall h°"’““°" be made. arrant officers other than those of the Army Mme Bm "“y· °'”‘ Planter Service, shall receive basplpay of $1,320 a year and the allowances of a second lieutenant, sh be entitled to longevity pay and to retirement under the same conditions as commissioned officers; and shall take rank next below second lieutenants and among themselves according to the dates of their respective warrants. nmymd mm, “Sec. 4b. Ennrsrnn MEN.-On and after July 1, 1920, the grades pa@¤d°S wd l”¤° of enlisted men shall be such as the President may from time to time ` direct, with monthly base pay at the rate of $74 for the first grade, $53 for the second Egrade, $45 for the third grade, $45 for the ourth grade, $37 for the th grade, $35 for the sixth {ade, and $30 for the seventh {ade. Of the total authorized num er of enlisted men, P¤r¤¤¤¢¤z<=¤¤fs¤d¤- those in the nrst grade shall not exceed 0.6 er centum, those in the second grade 1.8 er centum, those in the third grade 2 per centum, those in the fourtli grade 9.5 per centum, those in the fifth grade 9.5 T r m_ per centum, those in the sixth grade 25 er centum. The temporary ¢reest;dnp§;§p1g2able. increase of pay for enlisted men of the riimy authorized by section 4 ·‘”"· "· 7 · of the Act of Congress ilpproved May 18, 1920, shall be computed upon the base pay provided for in this section, and shall apply only to enlisted men 0 the first five grades. 'l‘he temporary allowance of ,,§,*},§§‘§,‘,‘, ,3}},‘l,,,§,’;,'}* rations authorized by section 5, and the transportation privileges authorized by section 12, of the said Act, shall apply only to enlisted men of the first three grades. cénunueus sei-me "Existing laws providing for continuous service pay are repealed ”ili~$Zp°$$§ié io per to take effect July 1, 1920, and thereafter enlisted men shall receive °°¤°i¤°*°“°{‘°’°*‘“°'· an increase of 10 per centum of their base pay for each five ears of service in the Arm , or service which by existing law is hail to be the equivalent of service, such increase not to exceed 40 per mtime ii egui r ui s r w ‘b ipiiiiif? mm " in er suc r aionsas e ecret o arma rescrl c,°S°x‘° ·,,_ enlisted men of the sixth and seventh gradzymay be rated, al.; special- E tm my { r ists, and receive extra pay therefor per month, as follows; First class, $25; second class, $20; third class, $15; fourth class, $12; fifth class, Percentage allowed. @58; sixth class, $3. Of the total authorized number of enlisted men m the sixth and seventh grades, those rated as specialists of the first class shall not exceed 0.7 per centum; of the second class, 1.4 per centum; of the third class, 1.9 per centum; of the fourth class, 4.7 per centum, of the fifth class, 5 per centum; of the sixth class, 15.2 arm amy pay per centum. All laws and parts of laws roviding for extra duty_5¤g °°}’»",§},‘f,‘;j or enlisted men are repealed, to take e§ect July 1, 1920: P 6 » ~1»1281°—21—-50
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/782