SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. 763 shall consist of the Chief of Staf and four assistants to the Chief of m·;;¤Y ¤¤°¤°—¤*¤·· Staff selected by the President from the general officers of the line, ' and eighty-eight other officers of lgrades not below that of ca tain. _ The General Staff with troops sha consist of such number of oglcers t,§’,§’,§§i'“' Sm ”‘“‘ not below the ade of captainas may be necessary to perform the General Staff iities of the headguarters of territorial departments, armies, army corps, divisions, an brigades, and as milit attachés abroad. In time of Iieace the detail of an officer as a meiIiIn%er of the Dems mmm em General Staff Co s all be for a period of four &ears, unless sooner Y ` relieved, and suiihsdetails shall be limited to officers whose names _ are borne on the list of General Staff Corps eligibles. The initial i,§§°§'§ },}’,§",§§,§E.,s{“` eligible list shall be prepared bty a board consisting of the general of the army, the commandant o the General Staff College, the commandant of the General Service Schools, and two other general officers of the line, selected by the Secretary of War, who are not then members of the General Staff This board shall select and report the names of all officers of the Regular Army, National Guard, and Officers’ Reserve Coizps of the followlaijgl classes who are mgfjfggs W be *°°°¤¤· recommended by them as ualiiie by education, `tary experience, ` and character for General(Staff duty; " (a) Those officers graduated from the Army Staff College or the ,6gj“ér;gQ1,F;g’·§;gj Army War College prior to July 1, 1917, who, upon graduation, were pwcaiiyrcccmmendcd specifically recommended for duty as commander or chief of staff of .§,$f"h °°”“““d °' go division or higher tactical unit, or for detail in the General Staff Si glib) Those officers who since April 6, 1917, have commanded a mQn‘§°'g{§f“s¥,},i§_;*,$‘;)';'}g division or h$her tactical unit, or have demonstrated by actual 6,19Ii- ’ servicein the orld War that they are ggalified for General Staff duty. S t l_ m " After the completion of the initial neral Staff Corps eligible list, uSt°ibS°q°°° ° lm ° the name of no ofcer shall be added thereto unless upon graduation from the General Staff School he is specifically recommended as W D t _ t qualified for General Staff duty, and hereafter no officer of the General ceneiai stffar mu Staff Corps except the Chief of Staff shall be assigned as a member of the War De artment General Staff unless he is a graduate of the General StaifJColl§ge or his name is borne on the imtial eligible list. ,,,,';}§}§‘i“,f,{‘§f‘· °‘°‘· °' The Secretary of ar shall publish annually the list of officers eligible for General Staff duty, and such eligibility shall be noted in the annual Army Re ister. If at any tine the number of officers avail- ,,,,‘{‘,,‘;,‘,‘,,ff" °°”°"“'s“‘° able and eligible for detail to the General Staff is not sufficient to fill all vacancies therein, majors or captains may be detailed as acting General Staff Officers under such regulations as the President may rescribe: Provided, That in order to insure intelli ent cooperation ,{°,§'Q‘?§2,,,,,,,i,,,;,,,, Between the General Staff and the several noncomiatant branches {){_gn¤ghc*;°°°°m°°*“”‘ officers of such branches may be detailed as additional members of ` the General Staff Corps under such special regulations as to eligibility and redetail as may be prescribed y the resident· but not more Lim“· than two officers from each such branch shall be detailed as members of the War Department General Staff. W a r De wm, "The duties of the War Department General Staff shall be to Geuemiswfla md prepare plans for national defense and the use of the military forces Dum d°S`g°a ` or that p ose, both separately and in conjunction with the naval forces, anelgn the mobilization of the manhood of the Nation and its material resources in an emergency, to investigate and report upon all questions affecting the efficiency of the Armv of the United States, and its state of preparation for militaryv operations; and to render professional aid and assistance to the Secretary of War and the glliief of Stag. ’*Iationsl(`¤urd and ·‘. o `cies and r ations affect' the or anization distribu- o` `lzed niem-ea. tion ami) training of tlifg-llflational Guarldlg and the %)rganized,ReservcS, ,,§§m'§,f$§@§§g`§§§c,l,§§f and all policies and regulations affecting the appointment, assignment,
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/784