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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/785

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764 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. ,.,g,‘§f" “°*‘°“"‘“‘ promotion, and discharge of reserve officers, shall be ppepared by committees of appropriate branches or divisions of the ar Depart- ReSm80mcm3dd_ ment General Staff, to which shall be added an egual number of ar reserve officers, inclppding riezzprvedofficgrs hwho hol or hlave held commissions in the ationa uar , an w ose names are orne on lists of officers suitable for such duty, submitted by the governors tixggurggmi addr of the several States and Territories._ For the purposes sgecrfied Pr mo léercérn, itlipy shall be regagded as ad1dl;t§pnal_mepnbeIrs of thel epgépl N,,'§,,,,,,,, (,,,,,,,1 ta w 1 e so serving: r , a mor o anuary , ,

>;¤¤¢*=¤¤¤d*;¤dR§;¤;‘g$§ National Guard officers who do not holid reserve commissions, if

emm. recommended by the governors of the several States and Territories, may be designated by the President as members of the committees herein provided for, and while so serving such officers shall receive Kite pay and allowances of their corresponding grades in the Regular _ my. t,$.?§§”’ Sm me “The duties of the General Staff with troops shall be to render pro- Dums d°“8¤***°d· fessional aid and assistance to the eneral officers over them; to act as their agents in harmonizing the plans, duties, and operations of the various organizations and services under their jurisdiction, in preparing detailed instructions for the execution of the plans of the commanding generals, and in supervising the execution of such instructions. ‘,§§,§•,;_Qg§,’;*§- dum, “The Chief of Staii shall preside over the War De artment General wnrmed. Staff and, under the direction of the President, or oi) the Secretary of War under the direction of the President, shall cause to be made, by the War Department General Staff, the necessary plans for recruiting, orgamzmg, supfpliyu§, equrgping, mobilizing, training, and demobilizing thenrmyo the mted tates and for the use of themilitar forces Ag;f*gg{{f’*,§**g,'°;,Q‘;{ for national defense. He shall transmit to the Secretary of Vlar the my orwu. gans and recommendations prepared for that purpose by the War epartment General Staff and advise him in regard thereto; upon the aplproval of such plans or recommendations b the Secretary of War, _ e shall act as the agent of the Secretary of Viliar in carryin the iSl§gg;¤;'ig;<;;6vi;=¢éc;;$j same into eifect. Whenever any plan or recommendation invo§ving gaznrzaspgmiaarépégzgi leigrtsllation by tai§ecg.mg1r1at§pndtdefeniep‘;· thi regrganization asian, and 0 cers or 0 0 Y IS PYQSGI1 G 6 cre a 0 ar o on ess or

f;{gg_g;r¤¤¤¤¤= Gm- to one of the committees of (iongress, the gmc shall be accoxgiianied,

when not mcompat1ble_with the public interest, by a study pre ared in the appropriate division of the War Department General Staff, mcluding the comments and recommendations of said division for or against such lplangdand) sigh pggtinlent cprprrnenti f%h orf agagnsté the panasmay em e y__e_ rearyo ar,te 1eo ta,or individual officers of the division of the War Department General Staff mm in which the plan was prefpared. ,,,,?,*g’,§('i,"°§’,, °g‘§,,,,,.,,, ‘j Hereafter, members o the General Staff Corps shall be confined 8%], §;¤<;»: Bm strictly to the discharge of duties of the general nature of those specified ' for them rn this section and m the Act of Congress approved Februar m§xg§;g{§;¤ lg¤ep:g; 14, 1903, and theyshall not be permitted to assume or en age in wor; mm wom. 0%*5 an aeixrixlpisxféativig nfzixre that pergaini) to establishef bureaus or o ces o e ar e men , or t at e` assumed or en a ed in by members of the C¤eneral_Staif Co ,, wiiifld involve impaixgmgnt of the responsibility or mitiative of snihébureaus or offices, or would

)?;1;g}0;.D]uHOUS or unnecessary duplication of or delay in the work

i . »‘·S¤§_¢¤¤¤ S¤·=¤>¢¤¤’ “Sec. 5a. Hereafter, in addition to such othe ' kgggwxggiiegr tgp assigned by the Secretaxéy of War, the Assistarilt (Sggiiialaarfy blial%’aii? ,,,,,d,,,m.,,,(,f, under the dxrectum of the ecretiiy qf_War, shall be char gd with supervision of the Brocurement of nnhtary supplies and other business of the War_ epartment pertaining thereto and the·assurance of adequate provision for the mobilization of matériel and industrial