s1XTY-six*rH corennss. sm. 11. os. 227. 1920. 767 Re lar Army, the Army Nurse Corps as now constituted by law, and ugg¥Y REORGNZ-*· suclilcontract s eons as are now authorized by law. The number Peipemage to wm of officers of tlihrgledical Cogps shall be six and one-half for every °f°“hSt°dm°°gm‘ thousand, and of the Medic Administrative Corps, one for every two thousand, of the total enlisted strength of the Regular Army, authorized from time to time, and within the peace strength germitted by this Act. The number of officers of the Dental Corps s all D¢¤*=‘°°*PS· be one for every thousand of the total strength of the Regular Army, authorized from time to time, and within the dpeace strength per- _ mitted by this Act. The number of officers of e Veterinary Corps V°*“‘”°"’ °°"’S· shall be 175. "Hereafter an officer of the Medical or Dental Corps shall be pro- C,}‘fp,°‘¥‘°°‘ °“" D°“‘°‘ moted to the grade of captain after three years’ service, to the grade Sawiw P¤>¤¤¤ti¤¤¤· of major after twelve years’ service, to theugrade of lieutenant colonel after twenty years’ service, and to thiigr e of colonel after twenty- Y _ six years’ service. An officer of the eterinary Corps shall be pro- §f$,%§§,§¥,,f,‘g§§’§,,,_ moted to the grade of first lieutenant after three years’ service, to the grade of captain after seven years’ service, to the grade of major after fourteen years’ service, to the grade of lieutenant colonel after twenty years’ service, and to the $1cde of colonel after twenty-six years’ mmm, Mmmsm service. An officer of the dical Administrative Corps shall be five corps. promoted to the grade of first lieutenant after five yea1s’ service, and S°"`"°° °"’““°“°‘“‘ to the grade of ca tain after ten years’ service. For purppses of pro- Greditjor SI1 active motion there shall) be credited to officers of the Medical epartment °°mml“‘°°° S°m°°’ all active commissioned service in the Regular Arm whenever Ot _ rendered; and also all such service rendered since Aprily 6, 1917, in iprii’§$i$€'§l”°° s°"°° the Army or in the National Guard when in active service under a call by the President, except servicennder a reserve commission while in attendance at a. school or camlp for the training of candidates for commission. To officers of the ental Corps shall be credited their service as contract dental siugeons and acting dental surgeons, and to officers of the Veterinary Corps, their overnmental veterinary service rendered rior to June 3, 1916. Thegength of service of an E“°°‘ °“°‘s °“““· officer who shall have lost files by reason of sentence of court-martig or failure in examination for promotion shall be re arded as diminished to the equivalent of the service of the officer of his corps immediatel preceding him in relative rank. mlm vacancies on "OfY t ie vacancies in the Medical Department existin on July 1, 7¤IY1.1%'2U- 1920, such number as the President may direct shall be glled by the appointment on that date in any ade authorized by this section, of P H bl eisens under the age of fifty-eight years other than omcers of the °°°°S° gi °‘ Regular Armly, who served as omcers of the Army at some time between Apr` 6, 1917, and the date of the assage of this Act, the S,,m,,,,,_ selection to be made by the board of general)oflicers provided for in Petr-771- section 24, and subileictto the restrictions as to age therein prescribed. t Lggggagl s·‘··i¤¤¤iS· Appointees in the edical Administrative Cor must also have had riauiisaiipsénice re at east five years’ enlisted service in the Mediial De artment, and q“l‘°°*°°°‘ the number appointed in the grades of captain and fiist lieutenant under the provisions of this paragra h shall not exceed one-half of smite mais rei the whole number authorized for saiefco . For urposes of future "“‘”° p'°”’°°"”"" promotion, any person so appointed in {lh); Medicag or Dental Corps shall be considered as having had, on the date of a pointment, service equal to that of the junior officer of his grade and co now m the Regular Army; and in the Veterinary or Medical Aldglinistrative Coiips, sufficient service to bring him to his grade under the rules estab ished m this section. my Nm, (»,,;,S_ "Herea.fter the members of the Arm Nurse Corps shall have { mw mu ¢¤¤· relative rank as follows: The superintendint shall have the relative 'ol:40,P.8'7' rank of major; the assistant superintendents, director and assistant directors, the relative rank of captain; chief nurses, the relative rank
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/788