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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/787

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766 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. .,,g;§" “°’°·“““‘ of the Judge Advocate General’s Department shall be increased by five, and the vacancies thus created shall be Elled by promotion in the manner heretofore provided by law." "·>¤·3¤·P-¤"°· Sec. 9. That section 9 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, yenched by striking out the same and inserting the following in heu ereo : °é§,?.,";§€€?5.T°§f“’“· "SEc· 9- Quanrznmasraa Com>s.——The Qfnartermastsr Corps shall consist of one Quartermaster General with the rank of major general, three assistants with the rank of br1gadier(general, one thousand and fifty officers in gradesfrom colonel to secon lieutenant, inclusive, and ···*¢·‘#¤‘·°e¤—·=·i"""" :rr*a*‘a2Sad.;ms;·;d.mw·f the saws Esatrnds eau orryo e earyo ar,s ecarge wi epurchase and procurement for the Army of all supplies of standard manufacture and of all supphes common to two or more branches but not ¥E*?t25°£"§£3£.‘?§§cli1§£€3§"§§”2i£'é$£$§$l‘§Jd2§“°h“mta§Ll-“$l‘€i.°°tf.‘§ direction of work pertaining to the construction, maintenance, and repair of buildrxs, structures, and utihties other than fortifications connected with e Army; with the storage and issue of supplies; with the operation of utilities; with theacquisition of all real estate and the issue of hcenses m connection with Govemment reseryations; with the transportation of the Army by land and water, including the transportation of troops and snipplies by mechanical or ammal means; with the means o transportation of classes and kinds _ required by the y; and with such other duties not otherwise

 em, ,,_ assigned by law as the Secretary of War may prescribe: Provided,

gclgs to be vywved That special and technical articles used or issued exclusively by other ’ '°”°h°S'”‘”g‘ branches of the service may be purchased or procured with the approval of the Assistant Secretary of War by the branches using or issuing such articles, and the chief of each branch may be charged 0%,,,,,,,, ummes with the storage and issue of property Bpertaining) thereto: Provided by branches. further, That utilities pertaining exclusiv y to any ranch of the Army may be operated by such branches. m;§°¤°° D°¥’°’*‘ "Sec. 9a. Fmmvcm DEPA.RTMENT.—Th6fB is hereby created a canes} me com- Finance Department. The Finance De artment shall consist of one °°S‘"°“°° Chief of Finance with the rank of brigadiier general, one hundred and forty-one officers in ades from co onel to second lieutenant, in- _ m elusive, and nine hundred enlisted men. liil’°ii°¤st’t°Z°Z` all “The Chief of Financegunder the authority of the Secretar , shall ‘“f,’:}j_;°;f·,m_ be charged with the dis ursement of all funds of the War Depart- ’ ment, including the pay of the Army and the milengle for officers and Ehe;_acc0untmg)é:.herefori1:{)ndl with such otléer banellacscgzunting _ u1esasmay_ r uire aw,orassi e to the ret gqgylging 0,,,,,,, of War: Promded,8'l’hat under such re¥¤l£tions as may}; be prescriliiglr my awww others b the Secretary of War, officers of the inance Department, account- ’”°g°““‘ ahle for public moneys, ma intrust moneys to other olilicers for the purpose of having them mage disbursements as their ents, and the oflicer to whom the moneys are intrusted, as well as {the officer who nnltrnésfts tth¢;hmn'ne)£:dt§tMt;.n,, shall be held pecuniarily responsible er or o e m a . ’ "°'·3°·¥’·m· Sec. 10. That section 10 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, ainenied by Sllflklhg out the same and the following in lieu t ereo : m§_•{}*°°* D ° ”° "‘ "Sec. 10. Mnmcar. DEPARTME1$T.—Thg Medica] Department Shall ¤·¤¤v¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*- consist of one Surgeon General with the rank of major eneral, two assistants with the rwli of bngudlsr general, the Medici Corps, the Dental Corps, the Veterinary Corps, the Medical Administrative Corps, a number of enhsted men which until June 30, 1921, shall not exceed 5 per centum of the authorized enlisted strength and thereafter 5 per centum of the actual strength, co .a¤d enlisted, of the