srxrrsixrn cosennss. sm. 11. ca. 227. 1920. 769 Flying units shall in all cases be commanded by flying officers. ,Hg,§*¢Y ¤¤°¤°ANm- Officers and enlisted men of the Army shall receive an increase of coiamaua or nylug 50 per centum of their pay while on dut re uiring them to partici- “'i‘,§§,,,,,,,, of pay ,0, pate regularly and frequently in aerial7 flights; and hereafter no ¤¤**¤*¤*€md¤*Y· person shall receive additiona pay for aviation duty except as rescribed in this section: Prolmkled, That nothin in this Act shall) be mm, wm, ,0,,. construed as amending existing provisions of ilaw relating to flying ¤¤¤¢¤· cadets." . Sec. 14. That section 14 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, "°l·3°» P- 17**- ialmenilled l;;y striking out the same, and mserting the following in `eu thereo : "Sec. 14. BUREAU or INSULAB Ar·m1Rs.—The officers of the Agggeu °‘ I¤$¤*°* Bureau of Insular Affairs shall be one Chief of the Bureau with the 0¤1cér¤f¤r· rank of brigadier general, and two officers below the grade of brig- P _ _ adrer general: Prwoded, That during the tenure of office of the present R;‘@°6, P I as ut Chief self the Bureau of Insular Affairs he shall have the rank o major Chiefgener .’ Sec. 15. That section 15 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, V°'·3"»P·"°· iafmenilled liy striking out the same, and inserting the following in _ 1eu thereo : · "SEo. 15. CuA1*L.41Ns.——There shall be one chaplain for every iJ>h?gl3°§i¢ac¤ to twelve hundred officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army, §,f{,;¤5$”* °' R*=¤°'°*’ exclusive of the Philippine Scouts and the unassigned recruits, ` authorized from time to time in accordance with law and within the . peace strength permitted by this Act: Chaplains shall hereafter orgfmm '°“k’ p“y’ ave rank, pay, and allowances according to ength of active commissnonedservice in the Army, or, since April 6, 1917, in the National Guard while in active service under a call y the Pres1dent, as follows: Less than five years, first lieutenant; five to fourteen years, captain; fourteen to twenty years, major; over twenty years, lieutenant colonel. One chaplain, of rank not below that of ma`or may be °m°’°'°h°P'°i¤’· alppointed by the esident, by and with the advice and consent of t e Senate, to be chief of clap ains. ‘ He shall serve as such for four d,}§i*;'g"· ¥’°’· ud years, and shall have_the r , pay and allowances of colonel while ` so serving. His dunes shall include investigation into the quali- Ecations of candidates for appointment as chaplain, and eneral coordination and supervision of the work of chaplains. %)f the ,,,§0m¤°i•¤*·°¤ ’¤'>’*· vacancies existing) on July I , 1920, such number as the President Eiigibuieyrormlingma direct shall e filled by appointment on that date of ersons unclizr the age of fifty-e1g\htyears,_other than chaplains of the Eegular Arm , who served as c ap ains in the Army at some time between April, 6, 1917, and the date of the passage of this Act. Such appoint» "‘l’p°*“““°”‘S· ments may be made in grades above the lowest imder the same restrictions as to age_ and rank as are hereinafter prescribed for original appointments in other branches of the service, and in accordance with the recommendation of the board of officers provided for P""·P·m· in section 24. For purposes of future promotion, persons so ap- F¤¤¤~¤=¤¤¤<>¤¤¤S- pointed shall be considered as having had, on the date of appointment, sufficient prior service to bring them to their respective grades under the rules of promotion established in this section." QI¤*·*>T9»P:""*· . tlglizp. l6.tTha(t_ sai;l6ACt be, and the same is hereby, amended by rxorigigiiiiiiiiznmlimvii s king ou sec ion . Sec. 17. That section 17 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, V<>1- 39, P- W- iimenflled l;y striking out the same and inserting the following in 1eu thereo : "Sec. 17. I1wm1rmY.——The Infantry shall consist of one Chief of bliiiiigiiios Or. Infantry with the rank of major general; four thousand two hundred officers m grades from colonel‘to second lieutenant, inclusive, and one hundred and ten thousand enlisted men, organized into such ,,.mk_m,mm,ud€d Infantry units as the President may direct. Hereafter all tank units ‘ shall form a part of the Infantry."
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/790