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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/791

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770 SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. rr. Ch. 227. 1920. m·.j,§f" "·*”°”‘*“““‘ Sec. 18. That section 18 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, V<>1.3¤.p.1fS. amended by striking out the same and inserting the following in heu thereof: §g,Q?p"g;,m ,,,_ "Sec. 18. CAvALnr.—The Cavalry shall consist of one Chief of Cavahly witth the rzinkcrif ma]or gepgral, nine hund1ied_and fifty officers 1D gra es rom co on to secon ieutenant, inc usive an twenty thouscairnd enlisted men, organized into Cavalry units as the President _ may ect. vo1.:sa,p.1r¤. Sec. 19. That section 19 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, pmexalled liiy striking out the same and mserting the following in 1611 ereo : Fl¤!dA¤;¤i£;1’S’· "SEg_ 19, FIELD AR·r1LLEnY.—The Field Artillery shall consist of Comms U OL one Chief of Field Artillery with the rank of ma? or general, one thou— sand nine hundred officers m grades from colone to second lieutenant, inclusive, thirttylsiyenlglhousand eggiésted men, organized into Field ery units as _ resident ma ect." _ v°1`3°'p`m` Sec. 20. That_ section 20 of saidy Act be, and the same IS hereby, amended by s out the same and mserting the following m li th f _ eu ereo : E$§,%.T§@°’*** "Sec. 20. Coasr Anmmnnr Conrs.-The Coast Artillery Corps shall consist of one Chief of Coast Artillery with the rank of major general, gn?} thousand two himdrgd officers in grades gm? colonel to secon eutenant, inclusive, the warrant officers o the y Mine Planter Service as now authorized by law, and thirty thousand gnhsted m3%€org;i.nized into such Coast Artillery umts as the Presient may ct. v¤r.ae,p.1ao. Sec. 21. That section 21 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, alniendfed by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu t ereo : - m§ly{fgm§g=gryI{*1;g*g "Sec. 21. Ponro Rico Rnemnnr or INFANTRY.-Cl‘he Porto Rico gan of rarauuy Regiment of Infantry and the officers and enlisted men of such regi- "‘“°h‘ ment shall become gupart of the Infantry branch herein provided for, R°°°¤¤¤i$¤i¤¤¤· § its officgntshsh , on Julyd 1, 19120, be recommisiioned in the ,, , J, _ antry wit _ eu' present gra es an dates of rank un ess promote flip is onsthatzdatrciqan taccoédgnceggith tgieilprovisions of seition 24 here10{$" _1g{{_· R-! 1- nc. 2. a said ct an e same is here y amende y " S °u°°“ adding after section 22 a new section, to be numbered 22a, and to Philippine S¤mtS_ rm as fOHOWS: _{·;lgg=§igg0<>f.¤¤¤· "Sec. 22a. SPHILIPPINE Soou·rs.—The President is authorized to ’ ‘ form thedPh1hppm6eiScouts srlrchhlganclties and tliictical ungtls las ie may eem exp rent, wi the it o strengt prescrib y . ,_ law organized similarly to those of the R ar Army the officers to a;§§°°iS11i11i?,Zi°ii?.,°I1i;'g be detailed from those authorised in seciiidii 4 hereof. On July 1,

;Q'gf'°‘* S‘¢‘°° 1920, all officers of the Philippine Scouts on the actwe list, who are

citizens of the United_ States and are found ualiiied under such regulations asftlile Igresidlelnt may_§1§s¢;ribg, shall ge recogunlissioned in some on_eo e ranc es provi or y t is ct, an t ose not Rcsmmm on _,_ so recommissionedshall continue to seiye under their commissions as Egntments m www- officers of the Ph1l1BKEe Scouts. No further appomtments shall be ` made as officers of ppme Scouts except of citizens of the Philip- Mmmm Etc pine Islands, who may be appomted in the grade of second lieutenant, ’ ’ under_ such regulations as the President may rescribe. Officers c& s&oned mdthe Plullgpllle Siouts sl¥1ll be sugj goat? promotion, _ c ca ion, an ina ion as erema ter i e fl` f P'°“"""“"""’ *’“"‘ the liegiglar Army. Those $031 on the ietiirleiliscllist sheiid ilidiigiftgr B he _ receive the same ay as 8 P6 1I‘ second `eute t f 1 ° . aa1iriir°m°°° N Oiheeps of the Philigpine Scouts shall hereafteiilliilg riiitiiiild-l$iin?iB¢i1'irl,(li}e same conditions, an those hereafter placed on the retired list shall receive the same retu·ed pay, as other officers of like grades and length of service, and shall be equally eligible for advancement on account