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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/793

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772 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. ¤g{{*’ **E°**°—°“’·*· commissioned service, and so on. In computations for thepurpose ·»¤qn_¤¤ all active o eterminm the osition o officers on e romo 1on s ere " _ fd `°ghp" ffli thp t litt °°m”°'“'°°°d“"'°°' shall be credited all active commissioned service in the Army performed while under appomtment from the United States Government, whether in the Regular, provisional, or temporary forces, except service under a reserve commission while in attendance at a school or camp for the training of candidates for commission; also commissioned service in the National Guard while in active service I M _ 0 C ms since Apsil 6, _1917,tpn<§r a call by tlge Ig·e1sid§1;3;fand also H3. arm Q mission service in e anne orps w en e ac _ or service wi S mmm Amy the Army bisorder of the President. In determining position on the pcromotion t, argl ligplxive rzénk, coagmissioned service in the egular y or the `ppine couts continuous to the present time, shal1Tl;1e conmteml as having blesgunglcgpl tgiefdatecgf Icaom; €¤¤¤v¤¤i¢i<>¤¤f¤¤¤r<1 mission. e ori a promotion t s e orm y a a o t° ‘”°p°” mh officers a pointed%]y the Secretary of War, consisting of one colonel of each oi) six branches of the service in which officers arilpermanently commissioned under the terms of this Act, and one officer who, as a member of the personnel branch of the General Staff, has made a Sch ad md igecia.lT1s;tudy of mphrgiziig the prespng promotgin lists into 1; sin% °”*° °P · t. e steps in e ormation o the origin promotion t sh be as follows: ,,,§§,,‘{§;f °’ P‘****°’*‘ _ “First, officers below the grade of colonel in the Corps of Engineers, s;»*s»*#·=·» as ?s;rir***.g**m;*.2;· °.·:;;.**a.*a;;.*=*$.i.e*;*;3,·2.*2; ‘*.2a*€.*;:*;**s3a; appointed in the Regular Army or ghilippine Scouts prior to April 6, 1917, shall be arranged without changing the present order of officers on the lmeal lists p their own branches, but otherwise as nearly as °m°°¤ mm- practicable according to length of commissioned service. The fo ow- V I mmf ing shall be omitted: ·» www ers- ·< (,,_) who, as a result of vgluntalry transfer, occu y positions on $116.111188] lilstdogher those they vgo d lliave held if their original _ commissions a een in eir resent ranc es; b%§l€il1§·;°;;‘;' °°h°' h" éb) of <gher bragjcihes appointed indtlge Sick; Artillery or °· » · - the oas ery orps to vacancies create y e ct approved January 25 1907· Phliigiimelidgiliaenigi ‘f (G) appointed in the Regular Armly since January 1, 1903, while serving as officers of the Porto Rico rovisional Regiment of P cam I“f“€Zi%’yr°’ "&‘”° S°‘f"i‘ asa "“°` “ ‘ ’ " ormer officers o the ar Arm or Phili ine Scouts who have been regiiiripointed in these_forces aiid who ari:-apnow below Position (jammed normally placed officers of less commissioned service than theirs. emma. "_?fIicerphof classu<=is1(2;B, (b), and $3 be pleased on the gist in kthe ])QS1_10I1S - ey wo ave occupi the a remaine in their original branches of tIIB.SGl’V1C€. Ofhcers ofy class (d) shall be placed on the ist m e osition at wo d normall be occu ied b an yi ** *. t-** P —** ..1 **.h uy .2.,,..y o cer o con muous service to t t t' ' ed f service of such officers in the cAlrmy. B 0 M we CO um ,,$,";"j,*’}}'Qj‘g§,, Ge; "Second, officers of the Judge Advocate General’s Department, g:;1L;€Hn;;ggg¢;¤gg;§ l%partermaster_Cor;>s, and Ordnance Department shall be placed on

’Jr41nanccDe2p;2rt· the list according to length of commissioned service, except those

“*"***· second lieutenants of the Quartermaster Corps who are found not (_ _ _ qualiiied for promotion as provided in section 24b hereof. ,,,,,g*g,§;**¤§ gggogfgg _*‘Thnd, captains and heutenants of the Regular Arm and Philips¤¤¤<= Apu! 6. 191·· pme, Scrpltts, ongmally apgomzed 811106 April 6, 1917, shall be arranged among - emselves acco g o commissioned s rv' d d ' to Noveiimgieihil, 19}% and shall be placed at the lhiiierll 511; gsi prepare o is pom . _ ap§g)¤£g_·;;ug_¤¤·sim¤ “Fgurth, persons to be appointed as captains or lieutenants under wuggpiins and lieu· the ]§?I‘0V1810DS SGCUOD 24, Ql'€0f, be placed according to com- `° missioned service rendered prior to l\ovem er 11, 1918, among the