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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/792

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. 771 of active duty performed since retirement. Nothing in this Act shall m§,§“ “°¤°¤*’m· be construed to alter in any respect the present status of enlisted men Status cr culisted of the Phili ine Scouts." mm °°°h“‘g°°‘ Sec. 23. That section 23 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, V°*·3°»P·‘8‘· amendpd by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu thereo : . . "Sec. 23. Pnovrsronar. APPOH*ITMENTS.——All laws providing that m;i?§”*°°“l “”’°”"” certain a pointments of omcers shall be provisional or a period of R°P°°* °"““"‘°'· time are hereby repea.led." ‘ Sec. 24. That section 24 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, "°’·3°·*’·m· ainendied by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu t ereo : . . .. "S1·:c. 24. Frnrmo or v.4cA1¤rcms.—-Not less than one-half of the caiieiiggg °"g"’°l "` total number of vacancies caused by this Act, exclusive of those in neimem other than the Medical Department and among chaplains, shall be filled by_the R°g“’“‘ A"“"· appointment, to date from July 1, 1920, and subject to such exammation as the President may prescribe, of persons other than officers of the Regular Army who served as officers of the United States Army at arg time between April 6, 1917, and the date of the passage of _ this ct. A suitable number of such officers shall be appointed in ,d§§§§§§§§{$'°" ""g‘ each of the grades below that of brigadier general, according to their qualifications for such grade as may be determined by the board of _ general officers provided for in this section. No such person above A“° '°S"‘”"°“" the age of fifty years shall be appointed in a combatant branch, or above the age of fifty-eight in_ a noncombatant branch. N 0 such person below the age of orty-eight years shall be appointed in the grade of colonel, or below the age of forty-five years m the grade of 'eutenant colonel, or below the age of thirty-six ears in the ade of Appomtmmts in major. Not less than three such persons shall be appointegr to the Judge Advocate Gengrade of colonel in the Judge Advocate Generals De artment, and "ms D°°°m°°”t' not less than eight to the grade of lieutenant colonei)in the Judge Advocate General’s Department, provided a sufficient number of applicants for such appointments are legally eligible and are found by the board provideri) for in this section to be properly qualified. Rmmmntmy Any person originally appointed under the rovisions of this Act at ` an age greater than forty-five years shall? when retired, receive retired pay at the rate of 4 per centum of active pay for each complete year of commissioned service in the United States Army, the total V-,,m,,,., ,,0, mm to be not more than 75 per centum. Vacancies remaining in grades *·¤¤‘*>¤‘· above the lowest which are not filled by such appointments shall be filled by promotion to date from July 1, 1920, in accordance with the seieeiaii bw:. provisions of section 24e hereof. The selection of officers to be °°"‘*’°S‘"°“ °" appointed under the provisions of this section, under such rules and regulations as may be approved lg the Secreta of War, shall be made by a board consisting of the eneral of the Xmy, three bureau chiefs and three general officers of the line, to be appointed by the p,,,,,,_ Secretary of War: Prcrvided, That no officer shall be appointed in any brg;§c¥g{°”' by wtf °* branch of the service under the lprovisions of this section except with ` the approval of the chief of suc branch or officer acting as such. Pr¤m<>¤¤¤1is¤- "Sec. 24a. Pnonorrox Lrsr.——For the se of establishing a p£§°.§}l`°“'i°"°“°p'”' more uniform system for the promotion ofpiiflhpcgrs, based on uity, merit, and·the interests of the Army as a whole, the Secretary ii? War shall cause to be prepared a romotion list, on which shall be carried the names of all officers of the Regular Army and Phili pine Scouts cams excepted. below the grade of colonel, except officers of the Medical Department, chaplains, professors, the military storekeeper and certain second semeeemagemen. lieutenants of the Quartermaster Corps hereinafter specihed. The names on the list shall be arranged, in general, so that the first name on the list shall be that of the officer having the longest commissioned service; the second name that of the officer having the next longest