774 SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Srss. II. Ch. 227. 1920. ng}," ”°”°·¤'“*‘ has completed thirty years’ commissioned service. The board con- Reim vm camo- vened upon the passage of this Act shall also report the names of ii2T¥$§a.$€§Y°° s°°°°° those second lieutenants of the Quartermaster Corps who were com- V°'- 3°» P- “"· missioned under the revisions of section 9 of the Act of June 3, 1916, who are not qualified) for further promotion. 'l‘he officers so reported semis commons. shall continue in the grade of second lieutenant for the remander of their service and the others shall be placed upon the promotion list according to their commissioned service, as hereinbefore provided. ,,§'?,,'}'g,°,‘}$,'f’· ""“°' "Sec. 24c. Pnouorrou or ormcmzs.-Up to and includin5lJune 30, 1920 except as otherwise provided herem, promotions sh continue to be made in accordance with law existing prior to the passage of this Act, and on the basis of the number heretofore authorized for ,,,F,§§’§'§,{,‘,?,’{',,,};,,,}§`f,‘{; each grade and branch. On and after July 1,· 1920, vacancies in ua. grades below that of brigadier general shall be filled by the promotion of officers in the order in which they stand on the promotion list, without regard to the branches in which they are commissioned. mfiggggl ¤§m;g;;¢i¤= Existing laws providing for the examination of officers for promotion pm ` are herebv repealed, except those relating to physical examination, _ which shall continue to be required for promotion to all grades below ,.,,’§§,‘lL°§l °°*“"‘“‘°“‘ that of brigadier general, and excaelpt also those gioverning the examination of officers of the Medic , Dental, an Veterinary Corps. Officers of said three Corps shall be examined in accordance with laws governiqg examination of officers of the Medical Corps, second lieutenants o the Veterinary Corps being subject to the same provisions as first lieutenants. Transfers at one- "SE0. 24d. IRRANSFER or orrrcnns.-—~Upon his own application °“*“""°’· any officer may be transferred to another branch without loss of rank or change of p ace on the promotion list. ce$vr<»i¤¤¤•=¤¢ ¤f¤¤i- "SEo. 2·te. Arrommnxr or orrrcEns.·—Except as otherwise séema ueutemms. herem provided, appointments shall be made in the grade of second lieutenant, first, from graduates of the United States Militarv Academy; second, from warrant officers and enlisted men of the lflevular Army between the ages of twenty-one and thirty years, who have had at least two years’ service; and, third, from reserve officers, and from officers, warrant officers and enlisted men of the National Guard, members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps and graduates of technical institutions approved by the Secretary of War, all between vogggsgghgpggg gg; the ages of twenty-one and thirty years. An vacancy in the grade pmmm; ‘ of captain m the ludge Advocate Genera1’s l)epartment, not filled by transfer or detail from another branch, may, in the discretion of the President, be Elled by appointment from reserve judge advocates between the ealges of thirty and thirty-six years, and such appointee shall be plac _ upon the promotion list immediately below the junior Mercer mpmmenc captain on ea1d_hst. Appointments in the Medical and Dental Corps shall be made in the grade of first lieutenant from reserve medical and dental officers, respectively, between the ages of twenty-three and thn·ty-two years; m the Veterinary Corps in the grade of second lieutenant from reserve veterinary officers between the ages of twentygone and thirtfy years; and in the Medical Administrative Ccgps in the grade 0 second lieutenant from enlisted men of the M ical Depitrtment between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-two lagrggmr Cezurpsksvro- years, who ave had at least two years’ service. To be eli 'ble for ‘ ·· ‘°‘* · appointment m the Dental Corps, a candidate must be a ad-luate of a recognized dental college, and have been engaged in tlile ractice of profession for at least two years subsequent to gradluation. €¤¤1>¤=¤i¤¤· Appointments as chaplams shall be made from among persons duly accredited by some_rel1g1ous denomination or organization, and of good standinlg therein, between the ages of twenty-three and forty- aappasamm or ve years. ormer officers of the Regular Army and retired officers ,Q“'”“°‘,,,3,§§`,§§“,§_;’§_’* °m‘ may be reappointed to the active list, if found competent for active
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/795