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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/796

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sues. II. C11. 227. 1920. 775 duty, and shall be commissioned in the grades determined by the mgn ¤=<>¤<=¤¤¤¤- places assigned to them on the promotion list under the provisions ' of section 24a hereof." Sec. 25. That section 25 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, V¤1·39·P- 183- amendd by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu thereo : ‘*Sne. 25. Drrracnnn orrrcnns AND ENLISTED MEN.-All officers 13 6d§meers’ and enlisted men authorized by law and not assiggxed to duty with Llexfs nas,. Hmm any branch or bureau herein provided for shall e carried on the °°'“*‘°“‘“°" °‘· Detached OiEHcers’ List and Detached Enlisted Men’s List, respectivel ‘." Sul:. 26. That said Act be, and the same is hereby, amended by ihiiii:;,!i§iI$e185se¤¤rsstriking out section 26. M-iremeut repealed. ' Sec. 27. That section 27 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, "°’— **-1*-185- amended by striking out all up to and including the third proviso, and also the proviso relating to the utilization of the service of postmasters, and inserting the following in lieu thereof: "Sec. 27. ENL1sm1nn"rs.—Hereafter original enlistments in the 6;i‘$il`§i”i$£i¤as. Re lar Army shall be for a period of one or three years at the option of %l‘ie soldier, and reenlistments shall be for a pleriod of three years. Existing laws providing for the payment of t ree months’ pay to anlgjjgeggjgggggt ¤¤¤W· certain soldiers upon reenlistment are hereby rapealed, and hereafter ` an enlistment allowance equal to three times e monthly pay of a soldier of the seventh grade shall be paid to every soldier who enlists or reenlists for a period of three years, payment of the enlistment (a.1llov};·ance’for original enlistment to be eferred until honorable sc ar e. ’ Sec.%8. That said Act be, and the same is hereby, amended by *8;*,,,,,,,, striking out section 28, with the exception of the proviso added Pegeajggsgii; Q t. thereto by Chapter XVII, section 5 of an Act of Congress approved ucd. g P ° ° fm m` July 9, 1918, providing pay for chualiiication as telegraphers. V°'· *0* "· M Sec. 29. That section 29 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, von. sa, p. isr. akmendted by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu t ereo : "Sec. 29. Discnancn on Acoourrr or nnrnmamur nm.A·r1vns.-—»0§$S¤°h?»i°°r1¤,`i£`¤a$iiE When by reason of death or disability of a member of the family of *—",=;;{_*;gm, ., an enlisted man, occurring after his enlistment, members of his mg since eeiilziitigilil famil become dependent upon him for care or su port, he may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be discharged from the service of the United States? _ Sec. 30. That section 30 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, v01.za,p.1sr. amended by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu thereof: "Sec. 30. The Regular Army Reserve is hereby abolished, and all ,,,l$f,'*’§{,“Qf,,,§`,‘§§’ R°' members thereof shall be discharged from the obligations under which they are now serv1ng." See. 31. That said Act be, and the same is hereby amended by ,,,X°*· 39· *"’· m"‘°· striking out sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, and 39. S¤¢**°¤¤¤¤*¤k¤¤¤¤¢- Sec. 32. That section 37 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, "°'· 3°· P- 189- amended by striking out the same and inserting the following m lieu thereof: "Si»:c. 37. Orrrcmzs’ Rnsmwn Cones.-Fer the purpose of ro- (-,,?.,,‘Ef‘°’S' R°“"° viding a reserve of officers available for military service when neeged. i§*°¤gi;>¤ wd °°¤P°· there shall be organized an Officersf Reserve Corps consisting of 5 wu ` general officers, of sections corresponding to the various branches of the Regular Army, and of such additional sections as the President ma direct. The grades in each section and the number in each ade shall be as the President may prescribe. Reserve omcers shg be ,,l5\Hg°;1*;*m<{¤¤¤ bv a ointed and commissioned b the President alone, except general ee,`i€1i$¤emi$id%»nix` ogizers, who shall be appointed, by and with the advice and consent ‘°"““·