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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/798

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. 777 military schools not conferring academic degrees, specially designated ,Hg§,“ “°"°”°m· by the Secretary of War as qualified, and a Junior division organized Ji¤ii¤r<1iviSi¤¤. at all other public and private education institutions, and each division shall consist of units of the several arms, corps, or services in such number and such strearilgth as the President may prescribe: Promkied, That no such unit sh be established or maintained at any P . institution until an officer of the Regular Army shall have been nZ°:$i°Zii Amy omdetailed as professor of military science and tactics, nor until such 'g§f,·d,§,‘;§,,',;$,*{;§g’ °* institution shall maintain under military instruction at least one ` hundred physically fit male students, except that m the case of units other than mfantry, caval%or artillery, the minimum number shall Come 0, mm be fifty: Promkled further, at excepliglat State institutions described training to be gémgli in this section, no unit shall be estab ed or maintained in an educa- {§§,_,'f""“’ ‘°' “*" tional institution until the authorities of the same agree to establish and maintain a two years’ elective or compulsory course of milit training as a minimum for its physically iit male students, whi-dh C0l11'S6, when entered upon by any student, shall, as regards such student, be a prerequisite for graduation unless he is relieved of this obligation by regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. mms " Ec. 40a. ESEBVE OFFICERS, TRAINING Cours COURSES.- sanaafq, or mira The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to prescribe standard ‘° M courses of theoretical and practical military traimng for units of the Reserve Ofiieers’ Training Corps, and no unit of such corps shall be organized or maintained at any educational institution the authorities of which fail or neglect to adopt into their curriculum the prescribed courses of military training or to devote at least an average of three hours dper week per academic year to such military training, except as PM P_ m_ provided in section 47c of this Act. . ,,m_;,m,_ "SEc. 40b. PERSONNEL FOB DUTY WITH RESERVE OFFICERS, Details Mm Reau- 'hiamme Cours.-—The President is hereby authorized to detail such la" A"”y’ °“"h°“’°°‘ numbers of officers, warrant 0Hicers, and enlisted men of the Regu- · lar Army, either active or retired, as may be necessary for duty as professors of military science and tactics, assistant professors of military science and tactics, and military instructors at educational institutions where one or more units of the Reserve ()liicers’ Tr ` T ; _ Corps are maintained. In time of peace retired officers, m§§‘2,?{,§§*@§°° “S‘ ‘" warrant officers, or retired enlisted men shall not be detailed under the rovisions of this section without their consent, and no officer on the active list shall be detailed for recruiting service or for duty at a school or college, not mcluding schools 0 the service where officers on the retire _ list can be secured who are competent for such dut . Hereafter retired officers below the grade of b adier general "**Y·°‘°· andy retired warrant officers and enlisted men shall, ilvhen on active duty, receive full pag and allowances. " Sec. 34. That said Act be, and the same is hereby, amended by V°'· °"°·m’· '°"”*· striking out sections 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, and 54 and inserting the fol owing in lieu thereof: Am S pm t "Ssc. 47. Svrrmns ron RESERVE OFFICERS, Tnamme Cours.-- me :i¤d¥¤aa.’° °"' The Secretary of War, under such regulations as he may prescribe, is hereby authorized to issue to institutions at which one or more units of the Reserve OEcers’ Training Corps are maintained such public animals, transportation, arms, ammunition supplies, tentage, equipment, and uniforms belonging to the United States as he may deem necessary, and to forage at the expense of the United States public animals so issued, to pa commutation in lieu of uniforms at a rate to be fixed annually by the Secretary of War, and to authorize X ro X _ such expenditures from proper Army appropriations as he magfglwm aésiigxe. pl °f°°° necessary for the eflicient maintenance of the Reserve cers’ Training Corps. He shall require from each institution to which 4428l°——2l——-—5l