778 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 227. 1920. “g§,§*Y *‘·'°°“°*”“·*‘ property of the United States is issued a bond in the value of the Barge required for property issued for the care and S8.fo—k§6P1l1g thereof, except_for °”°' ‘ orms, expendable articles, and supphes expended in operation, I Hmm C ms mairétenance, iacnd mstrigztion, and for its retgiorn when reqmilnld. ii · a U Zur - " nc. 47a. nsmnvm FFICEBS 'I‘nArmNG srs cAMPs.— e Sec- "°d?m mm U or retary of War is herebty authorized to maintain camggor the further pjractical mstruction 0 the members of the Reserve cers’ Training ori? no such camps to be maintained for a longer yipxrgiod than six wee in any one year, except in time of actual or t atened hos- F um M mwd_ tilities; to transport members of such corps to and from such camps i¤g§?$. at the expense of the United States so far as appropriations will permit, to subsist them at the expense of the United States while praveling to andfromwgviich camps andrwhilti remaining therein so ar as appropriations ermit or in 1eu o transporting them to and from such camps and) subsisting them while en route, to gay them travel allowances at the rate of 5 cents per mile for the `s- talplcpl bg the shortlpst usgially traveled iélolute from tgp pltfes from w 'c theyareauthorize to pro to ecampan or ereturn travel thereto, and to make the payment of travel allowances for the return journey m advance of the actual performance of the same, and Use Oumy mpg to admission to military hospitals at such camps, and to furnish mapmpe-ty. medical attendance and supp 'es; to use the troops of the Regular Army, and such Qovernment property as he may deem necessaig, for the military training of the members of such corps while in atten ance at inch camps; an to prescribe regulations for the government of suc camps. ¤?p°s&Y¤°¤iitii¤ii”»k,_¤r "Sec. 47b. Arronrrmnrrr or onanuarns or Rnsimvn Orrronns’ d,,,_,,‘*§,§§°f °‘ ‘°‘“°' 'PRAINING as ansmzvn orr1onns.—The President alone, under R¤•1¤i*¤¤¤¤¤*S· such regulations as he may prescribe, is hereby authorized to appoint as a reserve piiicer of the Army of the United States any graduate of the senior division of the Reserve OfHcers’ Training Corps who shall have satisfactorily completed the further training provided for in section 4'fa of this Act, or any dgraduate of the gunior division who shall hav; gapisfacitorily conlilplete thel courpes o military traini15gdp;·e— scm e or the senior vision an the urther training provide or in section 47a of this Act, and sliall have participated in suplgpractlgcal instruction su sequent to ga uation as the Secretary o ar s al piiescrpllisii who shalldhave agrived at the age of twtenty-onedyéears and w os agree, un er oat in writing to serve the United States in Perm O, Swim the capacity og atiieservg officer offthe of th;alUnited States durmquima. mg a perio 0 a east ve years rom the ate 0 `s appointment as
, r ’i·"§JZll3°§;S£§S§r§€°“°’ ‘”?°{‘e°.ig°d by ‘€"€?€r§“`X*l°’H?i{
foretiremen ,c 0. _ , O 91* Ep 0111 PUISHRII S. S Pe¤Si¤¤sr¤¤¤ri¤¢ei· be entitled to retirement, or to retiied pay, and shall be eligible for pension only for disability incurred in line of duty in active service or pw and mmmuw wliil§ seqpg vigith the Army pursuant to provisions of thi? Act. tamizmubssaure. ‘ Ec. c. AY AND commvrarrox or sussisrmvcn Esnnvn ,,,¢,{g°;i;gg$ng'g, gg; Qrrxcnss’ Tnarzmve C0nrs.—When any member of the senior divi- &g:r;;>;f;§§um¤r¤r>’ sion_of the Reserve QfHcers’ Corps has completed two academic years of service m that_d1v1sion, and has been selected for advanced training by the president of the institution and by the professor of science and tactics, and has agreed in writing to contmue in the eserve QfIicers’ Training Corps for the remainder gllllns course at the instatiétipn, ldeiggzing Eve hours per week to the ' `ta training prescribe y the retary of War and has eed in wrilting to vpursue the course camp training prescribed llgrthe Secretary of ar, he may be furmshed at the expense of the United Lim States commutation of subsistence at such rate, not exceeding the cost of the garrison ration (prescribed for the Armv, as mav be iixed by the Secretary of War, uring the remainder of his service in the