SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. 781 That the National Guard of any State, Territo and the District of ¤*¤°*'¤- °”**°· Columbia may include such detaehments or page of units as may be ngtixiisins M necessary in order to form complete tactical units when combined with troops of other States." Sec. 37. That section 69 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, Vol.$9,p.Zl0. $end;sd by striking out the same and mserting the following in lieu ereo : "Sec. _69. Original enlistments in the National Guard shall be F¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¢ v·¤¤¤¤¤· for a period of three ears and subsequent enlistments for periods of one year each: Promged' , That persons who have served in the Army rmoo. for not less than six months, and have been honorably ¤°’;,“‘,,,’§’Am‘*’,$“"¤°° therefrom, may, within two years after the passage of this Act, e t m tha N atronal Guard for a period of one year- and reenlist for like perm s." Sec. 38. That section 70 of said Act be, and the same is hereby V¤1·39. P- 201- plrlnend;-id by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu ereo : "Sec. 70. Men enlisting in the National Guard of the several ,,,§“,}§s,*,§{‘°“‘ °°“"°°* States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, shall sign an enlistment contract and subscribe to the following oath of enlistment: ‘ I do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted this ——-— day of ——-—, 19-, as a soldier in the National Guard of the United States and of the State of is for the period of three (or one) year ——, under the conditions prescribed by law, unless sooner discharged by proper authority. And I do so emnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and to the State of ———-—, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and of the governor of the State of -———-, and of the officers appointed over me according to law and the rules and Articles of War.’ ’ - Sec. 39. That said Act be, and the same is hereby, amended by ‘,Zg,1,n3Q;Pé¤f_P{;m ,°_ striking out section 71. pears:. Sec. 40. That section 72 of said Act be, and the same is hereby V°‘·"°·l’·2°1· amended, by striking out the same, and inserting the following in lieu thereof: "Ssc. 72. Drscnarzen or .ENLIS'I‘ED nm: rnou run Nxrionar. €$§i?` to be GUAm>.——An enlisted man dlschartied from service in the National ¢*"°¤· Guard, except when drafted mto _ e military service of the United States under the proyisions of section lll of this Act, shall receive a discharge in writing m such form and with such classification as is or shall be prescribed for the Regular Army, and in time of peace discharges may be given pnor to the_expu·ation of terms of enlistment dg *¤ ¤P¤·¤¤¤ under such r,ie§ulations as the President may prescribe? ' SEC, 41. at section 74 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, V°l‘3°* p‘2°" iilmenlded l;y striking out the same and inserting the following m `eu thereo : " Ssc. 74. 3u.u.¤·1cA’1‘r01j1S FOB Narrows:. Gunn ormcmis.——- 3%;,;,,,,, of Persons here ter commissioned as officers of the National Guard ¤*·‘~· shall not be recolgmzed as such under any of the revisions of this Act ` unless they sha have been selected from the fiillowing classes, and shall have taken and subscribed to the oath of office prescribed in the preceding section of this Act; officers or enlisted men of the National Guard; officers, active or retired, reserve officers, and former officers of the Army, Navy pr Marine Corps, enlisted men and former enlisted men of the Army, hay, or Marine Corps who have received an honorable discharge ther rom; graduates of the United States Military and Naval Academ1es;_and graduates of schools, colleges, universities, and officers’ training camps, where they have received military instruction under the supervision of an officer of the Regular Army
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