780 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. ,,,,g§'Y “°'·°*—`““‘ during which such camps shall be maintained; to prescribe rules and Apgjemer trom regulations for the government thereof; and to egploy thereat otli- ·· cers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the Re ar Army in such numbers and upon such duties as he may designate. " Val-¤’·9.1>¤-195,196- Sec. 35. That said Act be, and the same rs hereby amended by snlriking out sections 55 and 56 and inserting the following in lieu t ereo : C,;",g§“°d “°S°"’° "S1to. 55. Tim Ervnrsrmn Rnsnnvm Com>s.——The Enlisted Reserve gouipdosrponuggn t Cor-ps shall consist ofdpersons voluntarily enlisted therein. The °” ° °° °° period of enlistment sh be three &ears, except in the case of persons who_served in the Army, Navy or arine Corps at sorne time between April 6, 1917 ,and November 11, 1918,who may be enlisted for one year periods and who, m time of peace, shall be entitled to discharge _ _ _ within ninety days if they make application therefor. Enlisments E“g“““*"· sha.ll be limited to persons eligible for enlistment in the Regular C r ~m><:.*r rama-Such wits stay *2: w°;*r}¤”°¤°° ““° rescrr r a ions 0 e ecre ary 0 ar. e men of ii force at the outbreak of war, or entered into durin§ its continuation, whether in the Regular Army or the Enlisted eserve Corps, shall continue ingogce sixdmonths after its termination unless sooner terminate e esi ent. grganizaticu. in "Sec. 55a. ORGANYIZATION or- rim ENLISTED Rmsmzvn Cours.- .,;c,°"m“g’ mn g’ The President may form any or all members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps tactical organizations similar to those of the Regular Army, similarly armed, un1for·rned,_and equipped, and composed so w§3¤m¤¤t or em- asbpratpltrca le of mien iresiding m fghe same giocahtyn trlnaykoflicer ’ ‘ em eassrgnmen o reserveo cers oro cerso e e ar Army, zctive or retired, and may detail such personnel of the Eiiiy as may be necessary for the administration of such organizations and
‘h$§12°%2$°`i€—§‘ZiZ.lZf°%°§ty§mm”“°d ‘° $$“" M b { tr.
. . · .v . . D .-— em ers o e erii;Si;lr°»iEiliil°m 8 Enlisted Rmerve Corps may be placed on active duty, as individuals or organizations, in the discretion of the President, but except in time of a national emergency expressly declared by Congress no reservist shall be ordered to active utyin excess of the numilier permissible under atppropriations made for this specific purpose, nor for a longer perio than fifteen days in any one calendar year without his own consent. While on active duty the shall receive the same pay and allowances as other enlisted men 0; like grades and length of service. inrxmy equipment "SEc. 550. NIILITARY EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUCTIORS AT OTHER §,'ju‘;Q,Q§f ““°°*° ““‘1 SCHOOLS AND COLLnGEs.——The Secretary of Warishereby authorized, nmier suchdrgglrplalglcgni as lliesnligydprescnbe, to rsnue such ag, en age,_ an 11 as e a eem necessary or ro er 1- ,.,0,,,,,ms ,,,,_ tary tra41n)mg ttgjgclléopkhaimd colleges, otlner tnlan those progridleid fol; Amuv-776- section 0 c , vm a course o m` `tar trainin rescribe by the Secretary of War andg having not less thug one huriiidlied ph ·sically tit male students above the a e of fourteen years; and the Secnetszrsrmm Army. retary of War is hereby authorizef to detail such available active or retired officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the Regular Army as he may deem nec•ss_ary to said schools and collegns, other {Image. than those provided for rn section 40 of this Act: Provided, That while °"· so detailed they shall I`80€1V6 actryempay and allowances: Provided ,;,,,,5,,,, 0, ,,_,,,,,,dfu1·?h4;r, That in time of (peace rctir officers, warrant officers, or ¤¤1¤¤¤.¤¤>- enlisted rnlen shall nott be etailed under the provisions of this section wit out their consen ." Qiggfggagjggrd- Sao, 36. Thatsection 60 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, Maukrguam strength amended by adding the following at the end thereof: "Until July 1, _· 1921, companies and corresponding umts of the National Guard promo. may be recogmzed at a minimum enlisted strength of fifty: Provided,