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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/806

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 227. 1920. 785 their membership in the militia, and, if the State so provide, shall ,.,g,§“ “°“°“““‘ continue to serve in the National Guard until the dates upon which ` their enlistments entered into prior to their draft, would have expired if uninterrup_tiad." , Sec. 50. at said Act be, and the same is hereby, amended by V¤l·39@- striking out section 114. . crguriijneu. wm Sec. 51. That said Act be, and the same is hereby, amended by New matterinserting after section 127 a new section, to be numbered 127a, and V¤1-39.p.217. to read as follows: "Sec. 127a. Mrsonmraunous PROVISIONS.——HGf6&ftBf no detail, _,_,§}}’°g*,‘g$d,°{§,¥m;g* ratinlg, or assignment of an omcer shall carry advanced rank, except ’ ` as otherwise specifically provided herein: Provided, 'I`hat in lieu of the mma. 50 per centum increase of pay provided for in this Act any officer or D ·*f’*°“°“ *“°'°°“°‘l enlisted man upon whom the rating of junior military aviator, or gllqmwstig lieu military aviator, has heretofore been conferred for having specially itil? °°l°m ° mm" distinguished himself in time of war in active operations against the enemy, shall, while on duty which requires him to participate regularl and frequent] in aerial flights, continue to have the rank, 'pay, vom, p_ ,,5, vn, andy allowances and, additional pay now provided by the Act of une 40,11244: ’ ' 3, 1916, and the Act of July 24, 1917. "Oificers now carried as additional numbers shall be included in ,,,·*,,‘§,§§{g"§,{ ’g'g“§g$,§§ the numbers provided for by this Act, and, after June 30, 1920, shall i¤1=¤d· no longer be additional, and any officer hereafter appointed, under the provisions of law, to a grade m which no vacancy exists, shall be an additional number m that grade until absorbed, and no lo er. ` Qigln time of war retired officers may be employed on active dnt ,,c{*;°,§“§§w°§°§,'g,°,§} in the discretion of the President, an when so employed they w¤»¢¤ ¤¤v¤f¤Hp¤y· receive the full pay and allowances of their grades. "The President is authorized to detail not more than five officers §§‘,§§,',,"“§,}i°j,l,§’§,9§,,’i of the Medical Dlepartment for duty with the military relief division <¤¤¤¤¤¢¤- of the rglmerican h atipnal Red Sac f W mmm t "Au ority is ere y given to the rotary 0 ar to ant er- 5,.,,, mw, ,u,,,,§,, mission, by revocable license, to the American National ged Clrioss M- Y D to erect and maintain on any military reservations within the jurisdiction of the United States buildings suitable for the storage of supplies, or to occupy for that purpose buildings erected by the United States, rmder such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, such suppl1es_to be available for the aid of the population in case of qeraous naltlzonalldrsaster. f f 1 f mmm ‘·In etermining re a `ve ra an increase o a or ength o c,,,d,, ·,.,,,, M ,1, service, and, in the case of officers of the Regular Alimjy, in determin· ¤°'¤¤’¤¤§i¤* =¤¤’*°¤· ing rights of retirement, active duty performed while under appointment from the United States Government, whether in the Regular, provisional, or temtporaryz forces, shall be credited to the same extent as service un er a egular Army commission. ‘ ‘In time of war any officer of the Regular Army may be appointed ,,,§Q,°,f’gg;*°§§,§c§*gg’g,¤{,j,7 to higher temporary rank with0ut vacating his ermanent com- gg; tt<;mv°?r¤ry mission, such appointments m grades below t at of brigadier general '“' ”"° W"' being made by the President alone, but all other appointments of officers in time of war shall be rn the OEcers’ Reserve Corps. "Unless special ussugnment is made by the President under the £r:¤¤d¢·¤¤¤ provisions o the one hundred and nineteenth article of war, all Pu¢,p.811. ' officers in the active service of the United States in any grade shall take rank accordutig to date, which, in the case of an officer of the Regular Army, is at stated in his commission or letter of lzppomtment, and, in_the case of a reserve officer or an officer of the atronal Guard called into the service of the United States, shall prewde that on which he is placed on active duty b a period equal to the total length of active service which he may have performed in the grade