786 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. ,Hgg’;}" “°E°***'“*· in which called or aiily higher grade. When dates of rank are the cemcwing ams or same, precedence sh be determined by length of active commism§§]la11€¤ggn0;s¤n·. sioned service in the A.rm . When length of such service is the l°°- sapne, officers of the Reguér Army sha take rank hagmong themse ves accordm` g to their p aces on the romotion t, recedin feeserge and Nation? Gilgziild ggzicerasulmzf the sam; dat? of iiank gud ngt o service,wos ther amongt emseves accoring to a e. ¤E§§°§gc2E§"d°%L¤2°§ "§Iereafter any retired officer who has been or shall be detailed °° °°“"° *****7- on active duty shall receive the rank, play, and allowances of the grade, not apove that offclololngli that gd woulgh have atliasinid in ue course o romotion e remain on e active t or a period beyondpthe date of his retirement equal to the total amount of time during which he has been detailed to active duty since his retirement. iE>§`}?°i°ie'l’°°6:, on "Retired enlisted men who have served honorably as commis-
- g*igggg*,;Sfgugg*Qig,$ sioned officers of the United States Army at some time between
ersdurinsW¤r1dWar· April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, includi.% those who have been placed on the retired list du the World ar, and who have been or may hereafter be_discharIg§ from their temporary commissions, shall receive the retired pay and allowances of warrant officers Mmm? Academy. on the retired list, as provided in this Act. _ _ cemmnsmsee pres- ‘ ‘Cadets graduated from the United States Milita Academy dur- °’“ YW ¤”‘*“°”°S· ing the pregent calendalr year shfllll be commissioneilyas second lieu- T tenants to ate not ear `er t an y 2, 1920. i${»i>°Q~ii$y? °¤l°:iiiri- ‘ ‘The President is authorized to retain temporarily in service, under °'°g,;’t· °¤{};g'”°°· their present commissions, such emergency officers as he may deem ' p' necessary, but the total number so remaining in service, other than those underg<;% tireatmielnt forbphysgcal reconstrigction, shall not lat _ any time exc the tot num er o vacancies then existin in t ie Hm d”°h"g°° Regular Arrimy. Any suchi officler 1-may ge <éscharg1e<llvs{)he§_l§i§ servé ices areno o err uire ,an a suc officerss a e isc ar e chgiggamisytiugz gi; not later thanuI)ecei?dl>er 31, 1920. All officers of the Regular Aigny “’2°· holding commissions granted for the period of the existing emergency, Ret t, d I in whateveiiirade, shall be discharged therefrom not later than June zmeuigniigzcli R ° 30, 1920. e President is authorized and directed to retain in service disabled emergency officers until their treatment for physical reconstruction has reacheda point where they will not be furt. er bene- _ iited by retention m a mihtaiz hospital or m the militaig service. ,d]§,‘§§‘§§’¤§,'°‘“,§§§§,f,€ "'l`he Secretary of War is ereby authorized, in his `scretion, to giggggigtg ¤§); 2;;; detail not to exceed 2 per centum of the commissioned officers of the §i1b»1`xismiéu¤¤. Regular Army m any fiscal year as students at such technical, professionak and other edulcatipnal initifutionz or as sgudetptsmobservers, or mves 1 ators a suc in ustria ants os ita an other aces, as shall bg best suited to enable suldh oflihers lic acguire a knogledge of or experience m the specialties in which it is eemed necessary that su_c officers shall perfect themselves. The number of officers _ so detailed shall, as far as practicable, be distributed proportionately [m·g’g,cxpmQs_ among the various branches; Promkled, That no expense shall be incurre by the United States m addition to the pay and allowances of thefoflieers io degsailgegd, egfcpttfor tlie cost of tuition at such technical, ro essiona , an o er uca iona institutions. ,,,g,§,f§§§}"',,‘,,‘§{.,,’}§,,’¥§,‘},i,§,’,§j P “Whenever, prior to December 31, 1920, any person shall be rggtsg rggyo ¤¤¢€¤¤· nominated to the Senate for atgiipointment to iill any office in the ’ Regular Army provided for by s Act, the President alone is authorize hte appomgt such pciison i:1e§po£1rilLiTn1 thei Unitedl States in the gra e pe aimng suc c ar y office, to ave ran an pay from the same dates as if sugh appointment were in the Regular Army. Such temporaryiappointment shall terminate upon acceptance, after confirmation, of the corresponding office in the Regular Army, or