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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/824

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SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. 803 Arrr. 72. ·REPORT or PBISONERS nEonrvmn.—Eve commander of *“’°'·'° °’ "**· a guard to whose charge ggrrisoner is committed shall; within twenty- r,£?$§§_t °' °"°°"°” four hours after such co nement, or as soon as he is relieved from his guard, report in writing} to the commanding officer the name of such prisoner, the offense c argpd aglainst him, and the name of the oflicer committing him; and if e fa s to make such report, he shall be lgpnished as a court-martial may direct. Um mdudn T. 73. RELEASING rmsozrnn WITHOUT PROPER AU•rH0m·rr.— ing ozgrrwmr. °°°°` Any person subject to military law who, without proper authority, releases any prisoner duly committed to his charge or who through neglect or design suffers any nprisoner so committed to escape, shall be gigimished as a court-marti may direct. Dsuwy cfmndm T. 74. Dnuvarzr or OFFENDEBS T0 CIVIL AUTHORITIES.——VVlIlBD to cxvrnsuznermes. any person subject to military law, except one who is held by the military authorities to answer, or who is awaiting trial or result of trial, or who is undergoing sentence for a crime or offense punishable under these articles, is accused of a crime or offense committed within the eogra hical limits of the States of the Union and the District of éolumllia, and punishable by the laws of the land, the commanding officer is re urred, except in time of war, upon application duly made, to usethris utmost endeavor to deliver over such accused person to the civil autll;p1rI·ities, or;} to gaiildthle officerls oijustilrie in a re endm' g and seeming , in or er at e may e r·oug t to Any commanding officer who upon such application refuses m§'l]m”'°°° "' "' or willfully neglects, excelpt in time of war, to deliver over such accused person to the civil authorities or to ard the omcers of gustioejn apprehendiug and shall be dismissed from the service or suffer suc other p ent as a courtemartral may direct. com mono, wm When, under the provisions of this article, delivery is made to mmmj snppgelmer the civil authorities of an offender undergoing sentence of a court- °"°°‘"°"° ° ‘ martial, such delivery, if foHowed by conviction, shall be held to interru t the execution of the sentence of the court-martial, and the ofilender shall be returned to militant? custody, after having answered to the civil authorities for his 0 ense, for the completion of the said court-martial sentence. War odonses. ri. was orrmrsits. Misbehavior before A.rz·r. 75. MISBEHAVIOR BEFORE THE ENEMY.———Any officer or soldier *h° °°°¤*>’· who, before the enemy, misbehaves himself, rims awa , or shamefully abandons or delivers up or by anfy misconduct, rhsobedience, or neglect endangers the safety of any ort, post, camp, guard, or other command which it is his duty to defend, or speaks words inducing others to do the like, or casts away his arms or ammunition or quits his post or colors to plunder or pillage, or by any means whatsoever occasions false alaI'mS_111 camp, garrison, or quarters, shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. S,,b.,,dm,m wm. Arm-. 76. Sunonmmvrns QQMPELLING ooumarmma T0 summrmEn.—- s§{•;l{*_};§d§$}’*m°“d“’ ‘° Any person subject to military law who compels or attempts to °3§0l.39,p.6B3,amendcompel any commander of any garrison, fort, post, camp, guard, or other command, to give it up to the enemy or to abandon it shall be punishable with death or such other punishment as a. court—mart1al 1118.y dlI‘€ClB. _ Improper use of Aar. 7 7. IMPBOPEB USE or COUNTERSIGN.—-—A.]1y person subject to °°**°°°”*g°· military law who makes lmown the arole or countersigd to any person not entitled to receive it accordgnlgéo the rules an dmcxhne of war, or gives a parole or countersign erent from that wh.1 he received, s all, of the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct._ rmrugssqgmd ART. 78. Forrcnve A SAF'EGUA.RD.——-—A11y rson subject to mrhtarlv; law who, in time of war, forces a safeguarrlthall suffer death or suc other punishment as a court-martial may direct.