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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/825

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804 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. ·g$;{‘°g“em${H;'¤gép Anr. 79. Carmmrm rnornnrr ·ro an srzcmznn ron rnnmc smnvuuedpubuc property. 1cn.—All public property taken from the enemy is the property of the United States and s all be seemed for the service of the United States, and any person subject to military law who neglects to secure such property or is guilty of wrorigul appropriation thereof _ shall be punished as a court»martial may ect. 0,Dg”;};*;,§,gg°$,¤P;,*;{,*;;* Anr. 80. Dnanmo m cA1>rnnr:n on anannonnn 1>nornn·rY.——Any my. person subject to military law who buys, sells, trades, or in any way deals in or disposes of captured or abandoned dproperty, whereby he shall receive or expect any profit, beneht, or a vantage to himse or to any other person directly or indirectly connected with himself, or who fails whenever such property comes into his possession or custody or within his contro to give notice thereof to the plroper authority and to turn over such prolperty to the proper authority without delay, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine or 2-prisonment, or by such other punishment as a court·martial, ' `tary commission, or other military tribunal may adjudge, or by any or all of said penalties. wfmd;¤8- ¤*¤-· **1** Anr. 81. Rnnmvme, connmsronnmo wrrn, on Ammo. mn ` ENEMY.—·Wl10S06V6T relieves or attempts to relieve the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other thing, or knowingly harbors or protects or olds correspondence with xxhgives intelligence to the enem , either directly or indirectly, shall s er death or such ghtrher punisliinent as a court-martial or military commission may ` ect. $1**- Amr. 82. S1=·ms.—Any person who in time of war shall be found lurking or acting as a spy in or about any of the fortifications, Sposts, quarters, or encam ments of any of the armies of the United tates, or elsewhere, sha.ll Ee tried by a general court~martial or biy a military commission, and shall, on conviction thereof, suffer deat . m>§5;é*;lg;g?¤S¢*¤¤¤ F. mscnnumnous ommns AND OFFENSES. §{F§}f?,,§*’ *}f,‘g’f’§,,,,,_ Anr. 83. Mrrrranr PROPERTY-—‘VILLFLlL on Nnonronrrr Loss, we ere. ¤f- nausea, on wnoxerm. DISPOSITION.-—·A.I1y person subject to militariy law who willfully, or through ne lect, suffers to be lost, spoile , damaged, or wrongfullv disposed 0% any military property belonging to the United States shall make good the loss or damage and suffer such punishment as a court-martial may direct. ,,,S",‘§}g,§*;0;,’§,y‘;?§,{Q,V;§‘f* Am. 84. Wasrn on Urmawrm. nrsrosrrrox or Mrrmmr mornnrr rssimn ro SOLDIERS.·—AD soldier who sells or wrongfully disposes of or willfully or through neglectinjures or loses any orse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. nmr on duo. Am-, 85. _DnoxK on Drrrr.—A.ny officer who is foimd drunk on duty shall, 1f_the offense be committed in time of war, be dismissed from the service and suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct; and if the offense be committed in time of peace, he shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Any person sub`ect to military law, except an officer, who is found drunk on duty shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. _:~rs¤ezi»v1o¤ or sen- ART. 86. Mrsasnavroa or SENTINEL.——ADy sentinel who is found '“‘°’· drunk or sleeping upon his post, or who leaves it before he is regularl relieved, shal , if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial ma direct; and if the offense be committed in time of peace, he shall suffer any punishment, except death, that a court-martial may direct. Ferspnsl mmm gu Aer. SQ. Pnnsosai. mrrxnnsr is sam or rmovrsrous.-Any officer Z$, ,`§‘§,_’ commanding m any garrison, fort, barracks, camp, or other place