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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/827

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806 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. u miiiiiiiii iii*S· ,plQlE$;i°2fr2$v£¤“§.?°2$ °E,‘3E£f¥§€i'$f’§§y“t%°¤",*§§i’;S‘€ £’i$“t”I;rEI?§ ° I 7 States or against any ofliber thereof, makes or uses, or rocures, or advises the or use of, any writing or other paper lgnowing the U { me th same to contain any false or fraudulent statements; or m,s° ° °° “Who, for the purpose of obtainin , or aiding others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or payment 0% any claim against the United States or any officer thereof, makes or procures, or advises the makin of, any (gl; $8 any fact or to any writing or other paper knowing sucg . oat to ; or etiming s1g°°m°s’ Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or payment o any claim against the United States or any officer thereof, forges or counterfeits, or procures, or advises the forging or counterfeiting of any signature upon any

 or other kplaper, orhuses, or prngguges, og advises this usedof any

. suc s` ature, owingt esame to or e or counte eite · or ¤¤i)m°iiifiil°aTfe$»r;ii°€a§ Whiglliaving charge, possession, custody? or control of an riioney ’°" or other property of the United States, furnished or intended for the military service thereof, knowingly delivers, or causes to be delivered, to any lperson having authority to receive the same, any amount thereof ess than that for which e rece1ves a certificate or receipt; or u,$§§“’m m" "' W'ho, being authorized to make or deliver any paper certif ' the receipt of any property of the United States furnished or intended for the military seivice thegfpflglrnaliesi or dgliviprs to gpy pegiilson such wrif ,wit out a owe geo tetrut o estateg1en1tIsigtherein and with intent to defraud the United _ tates; or ei“i'*~“t~$‘°" “““` no srs·0$::b:;*:$»b‘?°r¤&‘2;·:;;.$1l“u,£ys$:P,spare; a es e ne , r y y s dislposes of any ordnance, arms, equipments, ammunition, clothing, subsistence stores, money, or other property of the United States Pm ch mug Em furnished or intended for the military service thereof; or _ military soiprobenr Who knowingly purchases or receives in pledge for any obligation “"°““f“"’ "·°‘°‘ or indegbtednesi og1_any_sg>§dier, officer, or other pexn who is a art o or em o e m said orces or service, an or ance, arms, if ui ment, anilmxlrnition, clothin , subsistence stoiyes, or other ro Q P . S _ P P' erty of the United States, such soldier, officer, or other person not havin lawful right to sell or ledge the same;

  • °“°L"“m°°*· Shall, on conviction thereof: be punished by fine or imprisonment,

or by such other punishment as a court·martial may adjudge, or by ·*f¢¤r1¤¤¤¤ss¤¤·i¢¤· any or all of said penalties. And if any person, being guilty of any gf the offenses afi;->l1ges(ia.1&d hvyhile in thedlmihtary service lp the Unitgd tates, rece1ves `*c e or is `smissed from the service, e shall continue to_be liable toxic arrested and held for trial and sentence by a court—mart1al m the same manner and to the same extent as if h,,E§*,',§",,,§’,l,*},f’°,§, iiflj hgi had ppt recleilved siglh discéiargehnor been disrrpsiediy Arridsif any <”*i*$·•¤¤°· me ,_ officer, mgg ty,W _ emt emi `tar serviceo the United States, ed.0L39'p`665° H1 of embezzlement of 1‘&t10l1 Savings, postyexchange, company, or other likeiiufunlds, or tof embgiilenéent of money or other pgogerty intrusted to `s c arge _ y an e te man or men, receives isc argc, or is dismissed, or is dropped from the rolls, he shall continue to be liable to be arrested and eld for trial and sentenw b a court-martial in the same manner and to the same extent as if lie had not been so discharged, dismissed, or dropped from the rolls. ,,,,,°‘§·},"§§§c,,,“f,‘,,'{‘§’é’§Q‘,j Ama 95. Coxmycr UNBECOMHG AN ormcnn Am; e1·:N·rLm1AN.—— »1¤¤w~¤- Any officer or cadet who is convicted of conduct xmbecoming an O _ officer and a gentleman shall be dismissed from the service. ,,,g,§,*;§',,‘}g,‘°,§§°‘§,;,'§}€__,; Am; 96. Qsxnnai. A:ar1cLn.——Though not mentioned in these ¤¤·¤i¤*~ articles, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon