SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sms. II. Ch. 227. 1920. 805 where troops of the United States may be serving who, for his dprivate *m‘¤·“ °’ Wuadvantage, lays ana; duty or 1mpos1tion upon or IS intereste in the sale_of any victu or other necessaries of life brought into such garrison, fort, barracks, camp, or other place for the use of the troops, shall be from S6I’V1C0 and suffer such other punishment as a court-marti may ct. Am. 88. Ixrmrnyrron or reasons namomo rnov1s1oNs.——Any t$Z§i$‘ig°,§°i$§l’§£?“ person subject to military law who abuses, intimidates, does violence to, or wrongfully interferes with any person provisions, sulpphes, or other necessanes to the camp, garrison, or quarters of the orcesapf the United States shall suffer such punishment as a courtmarti may direc` t. Ama 89. Goon onnm: ro nm mAm·rA1Nnn Ann wsorms ma- miii%dt¤°f§iZr¤°°i abi 1m1=:ssmn.——All persons subject to military law are to behave them- ‘"°“€"°"'°ss°d· selves orderly in quarters, garrison, camp, and on the march; and any person subject to military law who commits a-gy waste or spoil, or willfully destrogys any property whatsoever ( ess by order of his commandinlg officer), or commits any kind of depredation or riot, shall Punishment for mk be punishe as a court—martial may direct. A.uy_commandiug officer $082:0 wéamuamg who, upon complaint made to him, refuses or omits to see reparation °° · made to the party injured, in so far as the offender’s pay shall go ,,“,’p_m_ toward such reparation, as provided for in_art1cle 105, shall be dnsmissed from the service, or otherwise punished, as a court-martial ma direct. grrr. 90. Pnovoxmo srmmcnns on er:srU1ms.—No person subject °°°°°h°"° to military law shall use any reproachful or provoking speeches or gestures to another; any person subject to military law who offends against the provisions of this article shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. . Aer. 91 . Denture.--Any person subject to military law who tights Du°m` or promotes or (igézorioeing gum or connives a{>),<ixa;. duel, vixho, havi knowle o a c enge sent or a ut to sent to repoiitgthe fact promptly to the prcégéer authority, shall, if aix officer, be dismissed from the service or s er such other ppnishment as a court-martial may direct;_ and if any other person_ su ject to military law, shall suffer such pumshment as a c0urt—mart1al may direct. Mmm or me Aer. 92. MUannn—~RArn.—An]y person subject to military law ` who commits murder or rape sha suffer death or imprisonment for life, as a court-martial may direct; but no person shall be tr1ed_ by court-martial for murder or rape committed within the geographical limits of the States of the Umon and the District of Columbia m time f ve- S. 0 Kg;. 93. VAm0Us cmMES.—Any person subject to military law Desigmm rm who commits manslaughterimmalyhem, arson, burglary, housebreaking, robbery, larceny, em _ Zz cment, perjury, for§ry, sodomty, assault with intent to commit any felony, assault wit intent to 0 bodily harm with a dangerousweapon, instrument, or other thing, or assault with intent to o bodily harm, shall be punished as a C0l11’i?· art' l ma direct. . mAr;·i?. 94.yFnAUr>s AGAINST THE G0vsnmmwr.—Any person sub— e.i;?:$...§€`“° °h° ject to military law who makes or causes to be made any claim F°'S°"1“"“· ggabmsit ltéhe Up1ted1§1gaf;-is slr any officer thereof, knowing suc claim o e a e or rau n · I Who presents or causés to be presented to any person the civil czgmigffpyrggmm or military service thereof, for approval or payment, any claim against the United Sltgtes, or any officer thereof, knowing such claim to be false or frau ent· or _ I , . Who enters into any agreement or conspiracy to defraud the United eriiise ¤asm?u°wm°° States by obtaining, or aiding others to o tain, the allowance or pay- ment of any false or fraudulent claim; or
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