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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/834

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SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 228. 1920. 813 Provided, That this appropriation and the appropriation "Pay, Pfvviwv- Marine Corps," shall be available for special allowances for mainte- r¤r§rpr$rirr3.ll£Si§’Z$i nance to officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps serving under unusual conditions; information from abroad and at Iufermmcnfwm home, and the collection and classification thereof; all charges er- °b”°°°’°”' taining to the Navy Department and its bureaus for ice for the cooling of drinking water on shore (except at naval hospitals) telephone rentals_and tolls, telegrams, cablegrams, and postage, ioreign and domestic, and post-ofiice box rentals; and other necessary and incidental expenses: Provided further, That the sum to be paid out ,,,?§§f,‘§‘§,,‘§'(f;,§_,%°°“ ’ of this appropriation, under the direction of the Secretary of the ` l\avy, for clerical, inspection, and messenger service in na yards and naval stations, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, Zhall not exceed $1,000,000, and for necessary expenses for the interned persons ,m{,¤°,9.*¤¤d If'Sf’¤$ and prisoners of war under the jurisdiction of the Navy Department, P mms ° wan including funeral expenses for such interned persons or prisoners of war as may die while under such jurisdiction, and for payment of ,,gg§*{§‘°,§}§,§‘{§ g,*?,,‘§,j claims for damages under Naval Act approved July 11, 1919; in all, °'j{;,g°· m $3,550,00o. *"· · Coxrmomrr, Navrz For all emergencies and extraordinary ex- °°¤“¤€¤¤*· penses, exclusive of personal services in the Navy Department, or any of its subordinate bureaus or offices at Washinlgton, District of Columbia, arising at home or abroad, but impossi le to be anticipated or classined, to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, and for such purposes as he may deem proper, $75,000. _ _ Trmronamr oovnmmmvr ron Wnsr INDIAN Ismzmsz For ex- §,}’,%§§f‘;§,‘}§i,,,,,,,,, penses incident to the occupation of the Virgig Islands and to the z<>;,¢;g¤g;,¤¤¤gg2 execution of the rovisions of the Act provi g a temporary gov- ‘ ’p' ' ernment for the Vgest Indian Islands acquired by the United States from Denmark, and for other purppses, approved March 3, 1917, to be applied under the direction of the Presr ent, $343,440. _ _ Ixvnsrrearrox or FUEL on. AND OTHER FUEL: For an investigation ,,§j“°l °“· ‘*'°‘°“"°· of fuel oil, gasoline, and other fuel adapted to naval requirements, Ofgygjjggfgggs ¤¤¤·· including the question of supply and storage and the availability ` economically and otherwise o such supply as may be allowed by the naval reserves on the public domain, and for such other expenses for transportation and hire of vehicles in connection with naval petroleum reserves, as the Secretary of the Navy may deem appro riate, _ for the purchase of necessary mstruments and appliances, fldr the T°‘°‘”""*"" extension of the naval fuel—oil testing plant at the navy yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the temporaryhemployment of civilian Prom experts and assistants, $30,000:_Promded, at the Secretary of the Petrcleiim reserves. Navy is directed to take possession of all properties within the naval °P°“‘“°"·°*€~ petroleum reserves as are or may become su ject to the control and use by the United States for naval purposes, and on which there are no pending claims or apphcations for permits or leases under the A provisions of an Act of Congress approve Februa 25, 1920, entitled ”"* p' “"‘ "An Act to rovide for the mining of coal, phosrhate, oil, oil shale, as, and sodium on the public domain/’ or pending applications for ITnited States patent under any law· to conserve, eve op, use, and operate the same in his discretion, directly or by contract, lease, or D_ otherwise, and to use, store, exchange, or sell the oil and gas products "”°“‘“°“”°°“°“‘ thereof, and those from all royalty oil from lands in the naval réservés, _ _ for the benefit of the Unite States: And provided further, That tho ,,,§§§cl{§`d_°f °l°‘m°m rights of any claimant under said Act of Februar-§_l25, 1920, are not U of _ affected adversely thereby: And promkied further, at such sums as s° '°"“”‘°s‘ have been or may be turned into the Treasury of the United States from royalties on lands within the naval petroleum reserves prior to July 1, 1921, not to exceed $500,000, are hereby made available for