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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/835

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814 sixrY-s1XTH coivoiucss. sm. II. Ch. 228. 1920. pr§§L*g2¤{l$;’§°§; this purpose until July 1, 1922: Provided furtluar, That this appropriaemmmem. tion shal be reimbursed from the proper appropriations on account of the oil and gas products from said roperties used by the United States at such rate, not in excess of the market value of the oil, as _ _ , _ the Secretary of the Navy may direct. - b§§Q$l‘°° °°“s""‘”**' Exrnxsas, crvrmav Navar coxsmxrme noanpg For actual expenses incurred by and in connection with the civilian Naval Consulting Board, including the lserigicei of oéie clcgxlr, at $1,400 {Sr annum? for dut in connection wit the oar at ash1ngf on, istrict 0 _ _ Columbia, $15,000. iigiilhiixpeases. Avxarrorr, NAVY: For aviation, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Nayy for procuring, producing, constructing, operating, preserving, storing, and handling a1rcra;ft, establishment and maintenance of aircraft stations,for ex erimental work in development of aviation for naval purposes, and for the purchase or manufacture ani issue of special clothing, wearing apparel, agddsimglair _ e ui ment or aviation u oses, $20,000,000, to e ex en e as 0 - mms °°$‘g“°°°d‘ ldlwsl) For necessary ai1PcrIaiE)t, $3,883,400; for necessaiiy equipment for heavier than air and lighter than air craft, $300,000; to continue authorized construction of one rigid airship, $1,500,000 ; for new construction at stations, $4,962,000; for new equipment for training, $100,000; for maintenance and operation of aircraft factory, helium plant, air statioéii, ileet aiptigitiesgand con§§rsio1n63g t¢=.;_nders, testing a oratories, an or over a `n o anes, ,04 , ; or continuing _ experiments and development w€>rk gn all types of aircraft, $2,905,000; ·°·°°°““"‘g* °t°‘ for pay of cllassifiedgorce, $2’75,0g]tl),lan(<jl tge moineygierein specgfgcahy appropriate for ‘ ‘ viation ’ sh e is urse an accounte or in Prmm aggopgllarice withr exiptipgg laygeals "£_1avtiagon " and fog that gurppsefsplgnill Tm, , ·,1,,c_sm_ cons 1 u_ e one un : ravi ,_ a e sum o e pai ou o s was- lm C8 appropriation under the direction of the Secretary of the_ Navy, for drafting, clerical, ins ection, and messenger service for aircraft stas ,,f§;g’§{}g ‘“°“g°S by tponls sllrlall not e1xceel;i)$275f1000: grovidedjzltrther, Thpt the gecrptglry o the avy is ere aut omze to consi er, ascer am, a jus , e- termine, and pay out of this appropriation the amounts due on claims for damages which have occurred or may occur to plrivate property R8 rt I umd growing out of the operations of naval aircraft, w ere such claim Ciara? ° mi ces not exceed the sum of $500: Provided further, That all claims _ _ adjusted under this authority during any iiscal year shall be re orted u.§i°r° st°"°ns lm" in detail to the Con ess by the Secreta of the Navy: Prm/~idEdfu.r· ther, Thpt no peat oixthiiapproprgation lsliall be expeniled for maéngp- _ nance 0 more t an six eavier-t an-air stations on the coasts 0 the zsllily {Q`{b;(i{{EY£°l°°° continental United States: Promkled further, That no part of this apprpjpriation shall be used for the construction of a factory for the Q _ h B man acture of aeroplanes. _ `r2i$lZ`S`{mi·?° xriiftf STATE Mamma SCHOOLSZ To reimburse the State of New York,

  • ,,.3;{gj;§g;}*t”» $25,000, the State of Massachusetts, $25,000, and the State of Wash-

N ington, $25,000, for expenses incurred in the maintenance and sup- "‘·*· 3*% P- ml- port of marine schools in those States in accordance with section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act for the establishment of marine schools, LWB and for other purposes/’ approved March 4, 191 1; in all, $75,000. cs}.-, ua, canon, (Minn or Lnrnns, ETC., rsmxn or GUAM: Naval station, island of P· L Guam: Maintenance and care of lepers, special patients, and for other pur oses, including cost of transfer of lepers from Guam to the island of (liilion, in the Philippines, and their maintenance, $20,000. Bureau of )·aviv‘¤' - ,,0,, r BUREAL or mavrearrox. T‘“”Sp""°“°“‘ Tnxxsronrxrrox atm nrcarrrrme: For travel allowance of enlisted men discharged on account of expiration of enlistment; transportation of enlisted men and apprentice seamen and applicants for enlist-